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2008—2009年,应用FACE研究平台,采用烟农19、扬麦16、嘉兴002和扬辐麦2号4个小麦品种,以O3自然浓度为对照,研究了大气O3浓度增高50%对不同基因型小麦剑叶显微结构、叶绿素含量和粒重的影响.结果表明:在开花期,大气O3浓度增高对小麦产生轻微伤害,剑叶的叶肉细胞和叶绿体结构开始遭到破坏,基粒片层断裂并且开始松散;花后21d,与对照的叶片微结构差异显著增大,剑叶内膜系统基本解体,叶绿体基本解散,基粒片层消失,加速了剑叶的衰老进程,剑叶的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和成熟期粒重均低于对照.小麦剑叶微结构和光合功能对大气O3浓度增高的响应存在明显的基因型差异,嘉兴002对O3胁迫的耐受性较好,而扬辐麦2号对O胁迫的反应较敏感. From 2008 to 2009, four wheat cultivars, Yannong 19, Yangmai 16, Jiaxing 002 and Yangfumai 2, were applied to FACE research platform. The natural O3 concentration was used as a control to study the effect of increasing atmospheric O3 concentration by 50% on different genotypes Wheat flag leaf microstructure, chlorophyll content and grain weight.The results showed that in the flowering stage, the increase of O3 concentration in the atmosphere caused a slight damage to wheat, the mesophyll cells and chloroplast structure in the flag leaf began to be destroyed, and the grana lamellae ruptured The difference of the microstructure of the leaves from the control was significant at 21 days after anthesis, the intima system of the flag leaf basically disintegrated, the chloroplast was basically dissolved and the basal layer disappeared, which accelerated the senescence of flag leaves, the chlorophyll content of flag leaves, Photosynthetic rate and grain weight at maturity were lower than the control.While wheat flag leaf microstructure and photosynthetic function of the response to elevated atmospheric O3 there is a significant genotype difference, Jiaxing 002 on O3 stress tolerance is good, 2 is more responsive to O stress.
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