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小时候生长在皖北颍上县,十岁才读书,所接触到的戏剧艺术,都是土生土长的。每年农历四月八日,有一次农民买卖牲口农具的乡镇市集大会,可以看到各种本地木刻的小唱本,中间有民间戏剧,我曾收集了不少。过农历新年时。有各地来出售的木版彩色年画,中间有不少是戏剧场面,我也收集了不少。平时能看到的本地方小戏,只是三五人演唱的叫端公戏(担巫戏),搭一个简陋的小戏台,高出观众的头上,看起来与历史遗留的金院本演唱的小戏台,正是一脉流传,情形宛在。这里演的是《目连救母》、《大辞店》、《小辞店》、《祝英台与梁山伯》等等。幼儿们骑在大人的颈上,立在台前观剧,往往到夜深才散。男人多在前,女人套车来的,多在最后。看得津津有味。看目连是鬼戏,有 When I was a kid, I grew up in Yingshang County in northern Anhui Province. I was only ten when I was a teenager, and all the theatrical arts I came into contact with were natives. On April 8 of each lunar calendar, there was a town hall fair where peasants bought and sold livestock implements and tools. They saw a variety of local woodcut vocals and folk plays in the middle. I collected quite a few of them. When the Chinese New Year. There are woodblock New Year paintings sold everywhere, with quite a few drama scenes in the middle, and I also collected a lot. Usually can see the local small show, only 35 people singing called Duangongxian (take witch scene), take a simple little stage, higher than the audience’s head, it seems that the legacy of the courthouse of the concert Small stage, it is a single pass, the situation Wan in. The show is “headlords saved his mother”, “big shop”, “small shop”, “Zhu Yingtai and Liang Shanbo” and so on. Children ride on the neck of adults, stand in front of Taiwan’s drama, often only to the late night scattered. More men in front of a woman to the car, mostly in the end. See relish. Even look ghost drama, there
作者:陈明昭 花材:鹤望兰 石斛兰 蝴蝶兰 舞女兰 茴香 蜡烛决明 满天星 香蕉 杨 桃 柠檬 葡萄 苹果 玉米 茄 子 蕃茄 蒜头 红辣椒 大刀豆 长春藤 蓬莱松 撒金榕叶 孔雀竹 芋
本文介绍了上海交通大学电子工程系就信号与系统和数字信号处理这两门主干课程进行改革的一些构想,围绕课程改革所进行的教学改革实践和初步效果。 This paper introduces so
变rn当一个永不言倦的人对你说: 「我累了.」你会怎么想?