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视网膜下间隙系指外以视网膜色素上皮(RPE)、内以外界膜为界的一个间隙,近端以位于视乳头周围的Kuhnt中间组织为界,远端以位于距齿缘的色素上皮和Muller细胞之间的细胞接头为界。每一个界限都有其特殊结构及对疾病的不同反应。作为视网膜下间隙外界的色素上皮也是血-视网膜屏障两个主要地点之一;另一个位于视网膜毛细血管内皮。RPE及其封闭小带(zonulae occludens)可阻止血浆蛋白和血流中其他大分子进入视网膜下间隙。然而从脉络膜循环带来的葡萄糖、氧和其他营养物质则可通过色素上皮供给视网膜外层。营养物质经过色素上皮的运输与经 Under the subretinal space refers to the outside of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the outside world within the membrane as a boundary, the proximal end of the Kuhnt located in the middle of the optic nerve around the organization, the distal to the edge located in the pigment epithelium and Muller Cell junctions between cells are bounded. Each boundary has its own special structure and different responses to the disease. The pigment epithelium, which is the outer part of the subretinal space, is also one of the two major sites of the blood-retinal barrier; the other is located in the retinal capillary endothelium. RPE and its zonulae occludens prevent plasma proteins and other macromolecules in the bloodstream from entering the subretinal space. However, glucose, oxygen and other nutrients from the choroidal circulation can be supplied to the outer retinal layer through the pigment epithelium. Nutrients through the pigment epithelium transport and after
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Brain microvascular endothelial cells form the interface between nervous tissue and circulating blood, and regulate central nervous system homeostasis. Brain mi
不相同的事物逐渐变得相近或相同,这是同化效应的原理。 Different things gradually become similar or the same, which is the principle of assimilation.
本文介绍国内外某些使用液压机的工厂,通过试验、实践所积累的一些有关各类阀门以及管道系统的部分参数数据。可供设计和维修以及改造和更新老产品的液压系统参考。 This ar
同学们,你们知道吗?与我们日常世界并存且肉眼看不见的,还有一个截然不同但妙趣横生的微观世界。蜘蛛无人不知,但是一种长着8只脚,跟蜘蛛同属一个纲的家伙,估计大家就不是很熟悉了,这就是螨虫。  无处不在的螨虫  螨虫的大小一般在100~500微米之间,所以我们肉眼很难看见它们。螨虫世界对于我们来说就是一个隐形的世界,对于螨虫来说,一根头发就是一棵参天大树,蚂蚁就像大象一样大。螨虫无处不在,床上、脚下、