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解放以来,在毛主席革命路线指引下,我区林业生产有了很大的发展。全区已有森林面积一百八十万亩,其中人工林五十一万五千亩,四旁植树七千五百余万株,人均三十一株。并涌现出一批林业先进单位,实现人均百株的大队四十八个,人均五十株以上的公社三个、县一个,为我区林业生产树立了榜样。林业生产的发展,使我们进一步体会到毛主席关于“农、林、牧三者互相依赖,缺一不可,要把三者放在同等地位”的教导是千真万确的。一、林业的发展,改变了农业生产条件安泽县党委重视,加强了领导,充分发动了群众,落实了林业政策。从一九五 Since the liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, there has been a great development in forestry production in our area. The whole area has an area of ​​1.8 million mu of forest, of which 515,000 mu is planted with trees and 75,000 trees are planted on all four sides, with a per-capita population of 31. And a number of advanced units in forestry emerged. Forty-eight brigades with a per-capita population of 100, and three communes with a per capita population of more than 50 strains set an example for forestry production in our region. The development of forestry production enables us to further understand the fact that Chairman Mao’s teaching on the “interdependence of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry and one of the three on the other hand requires putting the three in equal position” is absolutely true. First, the development of forestry has changed the conditions for agricultural production Anze County Party Committee attaches importance to strengthening the leadership, fully mobilize the masses, the implementation of the forestry policy. From one nine five
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