
来源 :河北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ndspsp
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柿树是太行山区主要栽培果树种类之一,栽培历史悠久,分布广泛,果实营养丰富,具有多种用途,是深受群众欢迎的果品。但长期以来,栽培管理粗放,从不修剪,造成树势衰弱,产量低而不稳。磁县共有结果柿树23万株,1980年总产434万斤,平均株产15.7斤;1981年总产193万斤,平均株产8.3斤。第三次河北省太行山开发研究会议,我局承担了“结果期柿树增产技术研究”的任务。经过试验,各项技术措施,均见成效,特别是柿树修剪,增产效果尤其明显。由于柿树品种繁多,对修剪反应有异,我们首先对当地主栽品种——满天红柿树,修剪技术试验研究情况,作初步总结。 Persimmon tree is one of the main cultivated fruit trees in the Taihang Mountains. It has a long history of cultivation and is widely distributed. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has many uses. It is a fruit popular among the masses. However, for a long time, the cultivation and management are extensive and never pruned, resulting in the weakening of the tree and the low and unsteady yield. Cixian a total of 230,000 persimmon tree results, in 1980 a total of 434 kg, an average of 15.7 kg strain; 1981 total output of 1.93 million kg, the average strain 8.3 kg. The Third Hebei Province Taihang Mountain Development Research Conference, our bureau assumed the “results of persimmon production technology research” mission. After testing, all the technical measures have seen results, especially the pruning of persimmon tree, the yield increase effect is particularly evident. As persimmon variety, the pruning response is different, we first of the main cultivars - Manchurian persimmon trees, pruning technology experimental research, for the preliminary summary.
尽管他一直强调本身表演上的能力,但他的英俊形象被证实是他最值钱的素质。 Although he always emphasized his ability to perform, his handsome image proved to be his