Analysis of clinical and pathological features of chronic hepatitis B in combination with hepatic st

来源 :China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wukeda139
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Objective To explore the clinical and pathological characters of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in combination with hepatic steatosis in the elderly.Methods Totally223 elderly patients with CHB and hepatic steatosis diagnosed by liver biopsy were retrospectively analyzed and220 non-elderly patients with CHB and hepatic steatosis were randomly selected as control group.Clinical and pathological features and change in liver histology were compared between the two groups.Results The inci- Objective To explore the clinical and pathological characters of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in combination with hepatic steatosis in the elderly. Methods Totally223 elderly patients with CHB and hepatic steatosis diagnosed by liver biopsy were retrospectively analyzed and220 non-elderly patients with CHB and hepatic steatosis were randomly selected as control group. Clinical and pathological features and change in liver histology were compared between the two groups. Results The inci-
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha(HNF4-α)is a nuclear receptor regulating metabolism,cell junctions,differentiation and proliferation in liver and intestinal e
Alcoholism results in about 2.5 million deaths annually worldwide,representing 4%of all mortality.Although alcoholism is associated with more than 60 diseases,m
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