
来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psetpsetc
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尾叶桉是我国南方重要的速生造林树种之一.同其它桉属树种一样,尾叶桉不仅可以形成外生菌根或内生菌根,而且可以同时与这两种类型的菌根真菌形成混合菌根.试验采用优良内生菌根菌苏格兰球囊霉( Glom us caledoniu m) 和外生菌根菌彩色豆马勃( Pisolithus tinctorius) 对尾叶按进行接种.根系显微观察结果表明,接种菌株均能感染根系并合成相应类型的菌根,在混合菌根合成过程中,两种真菌间存在一定的竞争作用.试验苗根系菌根感染率与苗木5 个月时的生物量呈正相关( r2 =079 , P = 005 ) .与未接种对照苗相比,3 种接种处理苗生长量和生物量均有显著增加,差异极显著( P = 001) .接种菌根菌还有利于促进苗木根系对基质营养元素的吸收,其中混合接种方式效果更佳.研究证实了尾叶桉苗期菌根依赖性较大,其中对混合菌根的依赖性最大. Eucalyptus urophylla is one of the important fast-growing afforestation species in southern China. Like other eucalyptus species, Eucalyptus urophylla can not only form ectomycorrhizal or endomycorrhizal fungi, but also form mixed mycorrhizae with both types of mycorrhizal fungi. Glomus caledoniu m, an endophyte ectomycorrhizal fungi, and Pisolithus tinctorius, an ectomycorrhizal fungus, were used to inoculate the caudal lobe. The results of root microscopy showed that inoculated strains could infect the root system and synthesize the corresponding mycorrhizae. During the process of mixed mycorrhizal colonization, there existed some competition between the two fungi. The mycorrhizal infection rate of the test seedlings was positively correlated with the biomass of the seedlings at 5 months (r2 = 079, P = 005). Compared with the unvaccinated control seedlings, the growth and biomass of three inoculated seedlings increased significantly, the difference was significant (P = 001). Inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi is also conducive to the promotion of seedling root matrix nutrient absorption, which mixed inoculation better. The research confirmed that mycorrhizal more dependent on the seedlings of Eucalyptus urophylla, the most dependent on the mixed mycorrhizal.
本文所述白柳坪组土地岭段,系指四川龙门山地区早泥盆世白柳坪组下部黑沟段(含 Protochonetes bailiupingensis-Orientospirifer 组合)和甘溪组(含 Dicoelostrophia- Eosophr