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目的研究新农合实施前后对县医院诊治影响,了解新农合实施中县医院存在的问题和促进新农合健康持续发展。方法选择三家县医院自2005~2010年所有住院患者汇总、比较和分析新农合实施前后住院人数、住院患者比例改变、住院病种改变、住院天数改变、药占比改变及患者满意度调查改变。结果住院患者总数明显增加,内科、儿科住院患者数显著增加;外科、妇科次之;普通住院患者显著增加,抢救危重患者例数无明显变化。住院天数明显增加,患者满意度明显增加,而药占比却呈逐年上升趋势,住院总费用相应增加。结论新农合确实给患者和医院都带来益处,为解决群众看病贵、看病难起到了很大作用,医院的经济状况改善,存在问题为药占比在逐年升高,住院总费用增加。 Objective To study the impact of the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system on the diagnosis and treatment of county hospitals and to understand the problems existing in the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system and the sustainable development of the new rural cooperative medical system. Methods All hospitalized patients in Sanjia County from 2005 to 2010 were selected and compared. The number of inpatients, the proportion of inpatients, the change of inpatients, the days of hospitalization, the change of the proportion of patients and the change of patients’ satisfaction were investigated before and after the implementation of NCMS . Results The total number of inpatients was significantly increased, the number of inpatients in medicine and pediatrics was significantly increased, followed by surgery and gynecology, followed by general inpatients and no significant changes in the number of critically ill patients. The number of days of hospitalization significantly increased, patient satisfaction increased significantly, while the proportion of medicine was increased year by year, the total cost of hospital increased accordingly. Conclusion The new rural cooperative medical system does bring benefits to both patients and hospitals. In order to solve the problem of expensive public health care, it is hard to see a doctor and the economic condition of the hospital is improved. The problem of drug use is rising year by year, and the total cost of hospitalization is increasing.
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