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四川攀枝花实验学校617000    摘要:本文浅谈初中数学“1+2”剪辑式课件的制作与系统开发,以期使计算机辅助教学发挥更大的作用和优势,同时使每个在教学中采用这种教学模式的教育工作者受到启发.   关键词:初中数学;剪辑式课件;制作开发    近几年,随着计算机的迅速普及,“校校通”工程的逐步启动,计算机辅助教学在中小学迅猛发展,它以其贮存信息量大、画面丰富、动态直观等特点,在教学过程中为学生
What exactly are dragons?  Stories of dragons have existed since the time stories were told. Dragons generally are said to have scales1 and claws and breathe fire. They are also thought to be majestic
Lucy stuck the last candle into the cake and stepped back with a sigh1. She looked at the kitchen, completely decked2 out for her dad’s 60th birthday surprise party. Shiny party hats were neatly stack
杨舟 供稿  When Americans do laundry, they usually use both a washing machine and a dryer2. Even if they don’t have their own washing machine and dryer in their own house, they usually use them in their a
At the English Corner  I will never forget my first experience of going to the English Corner. It remains vivid and fresh in my mind though almost one year has passed.  One sunny Sunday morning during
If you’ve been out on a hiking trail2 lately, you’ve probably noticed them suddenly popping3 up everywhere—small, intentionally4 stacked piles of rocks, called cairns5. And environmentalists6 worldwid
黄河水静如明镜。在这片弯套里,两岸高柳成行,大杨树叶子哗啦啦响。树下就是水面。那水面上波平浪息,连一点儿皱纹都没有。斜阳照过来,金黄灿烂,把大杨树的影子拉得老长,拉长到河心洲去。对岸的树下,有下网的老汉穿了皮裤,去河心里扯浮漂。一条小船,就荡悠悠地撑出来。  这不是黄河下游最普通的景致吗?如果你是一只白鹭,从济南的泺口一路飞下来,在那些雄伟的大桥与大桥之间,大片的沃野上,黄河水就是这样波澜不惊。更
Consider YOU!In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and the universe. Wow! Stop and think abo
《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷,高瞻远瞩,博大精深,是一部闪耀着马克思主义思想光芒的伟大著作,应从以下几个方面学懂弄通做实。  一、意义重大  《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷是充分反映中共十九大以来中共中央总书记习近平领导全党全国各族人民攻坚克难、砥砺前行伟大实践的最新教材,是谋求世界和平,推动构建人类命运共同体的最新教材,是中国共产党不忘初心、牢记使命、团结带领人民创造更加幸福美好生活的最新教材,是用习
景一编译  In a country With both housing shortages l and world-leadingcoffee production,a small company has, quite brilliantly, found away to use one in order to fix the other.  在一個既有住房短缺问题又有世界领先的咖啡产量的国家,