
来源 :河南水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongjiahao
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近年来,项城市水务局牢固树立和落实全面、协调、可持续发展观,深入开展依法治水,科学管水,努力推进城乡水资源统一管理,为全市经济社会的可持续发展提供了强有力的水利保障。1 大力发展城乡供水,以供水促进水资源管理近年来,项城市把发展城乡供水作为统一管理水资源的一条重要途径,制订了全市供水发展规划,先后投资兴建了3座城市供水厂和8座乡镇供水厂,解决了15万人和100多个企、事业单位的用水问题。在发展城乡供水之前,群众生活和工业生产只能靠自备井取水,随着城乡供水工程的建设和完善,许 In recent years, Xiangshui City Water Affairs Bureau has firmly established and implemented the concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, carried out water and scientific management in accordance with the law, and worked hard to promote unified management of water resources in urban and rural areas, providing a strong force for the sustainable economic and social development of the city Water Conservancy. 1 Vigorously develop urban and rural water supply and water supply to promote water resources management In recent years, Xiangcheng City, the development of urban and rural water supply as an important way to unify the management of water resources, formulated the city’s water supply development planning, has invested in the construction of three urban water supply plants and 8 Township water supply plant to solve the water problem of 150,000 people and more than 100 enterprises and institutions. Before the development of urban and rural water supply, people’s livelihood and industrial production can only rely on self-prepared wells to draw water. With the construction and improvement of urban and rural water supply projects, Xu
1 概述玉带河属小型河道,发源于宝丰西部山丘区,经平顶山市石龙区复入宝丰县境,至县城西分为二流,一流向北入净肠河,一流向东南贯穿县城,至城东再入净肠河,河道全长21km,流