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在惨烈的悲痛之后,本刊特别报道组再一次深入震区采访,同时遍访专家学者,发现了超乎想象和令人惊心动魄的事实:震区经济重建之复杂,令人扼腕而不能自持。在大型央企和资金雄厚的集团公司、上市公司纷纷开始恢复生产的时候,更多民营中小企业却在苦苦挣扎,甚至是无人问津。信息不畅,正在成为重建的瓶颈。在震后不到两个月的时间里,除了对口援建的中国式赈灾在持续进行外,人们对灾区的救助热情正在可怕地摊薄、消退,而规划中的八年重建工作,才刚刚蹒跚起步……我们也看到,一个经典的重建样本,在被口水淹没的时候,依然倔强地坚持着,为后来的援建者提供着可贵的经验与教训;一些灾区企业,顽强地利用和创造着条件进行艰难重生;越来越多的企业家,开始理性而科学地走进灾区,利用自己和灾区当地的优势,实施最大效益化的援建。灾后重建大幕还刚刚开启,我们的热血需要持续至少整整八年!灾后重建的蓝图是一张白纸,我们的科学思考和创新性行动,将决定着灾区的未来是否更加美丽! After the tragic grief, our special press group went deep into the earthquake zone interview and visited experts and scholars unanimously and unbelievably. We found the surprising and alarming fact that the economic reconstruction in the earthquake zone is rather complicated and not self-sustaining. At a time when large state-owned enterprises and well-funded group companies and public companies are beginning to resume production, more privately-run SMEs are struggling and even nobody cares. Poor information is becoming a bottleneck for reconstruction. In less than two months after the earthquake, apart from the ongoing reconstruction of the Chinese-style disaster relief aid, the rescue enthusiasm for the disaster areas is being horribly diluted and dissipated. However, the planned eight-year reconstruction work has just faltered Start ... We also saw that a classic reconstruction sample was stubbornly persisted when it was swallowed, providing precious experience and lessons for later aid workers. Some disaster-stricken enterprises persevered in using and creating The conditions for a difficult rebirth; more and more entrepreneurs, began to enter the disaster area rationally and scientifically, using their own and the advantages of the disaster area, the implementation of the most effective aid. After the disaster reconstruction curtain has just opened, our blood needs to last at least eight full years! Blueprint for post-disaster reconstruction is a blank sheet of paper, our scientific thinking and innovative action, will determine the future of the disaster area is more beautiful!
在脉冲技术中,许多场合都要用到双极性脉冲信号,例如远距离传送的单极性脉冲信号,为了防止线 In pulse technology, bipolar pulse signals are used in many occasions, f
小崴是一个22岁的台湾女孩,她面对访问时提起:“当我与男朋友吵架后,他发了个短信给我说‘抱歉’,这让我更为生气,通过短信,让我感到他在敷衍我。”相同的问题,我们再询问小君(一名21岁的大陆男孩),他却回答:“不会啊!短信本来就是简单的沟通,那就应该简单地看待它,不需要想太多!”小洁(一名19岁的大陆女孩)也有着不同的反应:“是感觉到一点敷衍,但不严重,对方大概也很尴尬。”  人们使用不同的态度面对
翻译和懂得翻译工作的一些人,在碰到某些译句时,总要深思熟虑,字斟句酌一番,并提出各种观点。例如: ①和轻敌者相反,人们太看重了敌人,太看轻了自己,…… Some people who