
来源 :新疆新闻出版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MUNICH2009
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2003年底新闻出版总署召开的全国新闻出版局长会议提出,为适应社会主义市场经济的发展要求,培育和重塑新型的市场主体,既要组建、培育一批走内涵式发展道路的专业集团,也要重点扶持一批专精尖、小而特的出版单位,走专业化发展道路。怎样在新的历史时期办好一个少数民族地区的专业出版社,我认为必须要发挥自身优势,突出自己特色,依靠特色开辟市场,依靠特色吸引读者。明确特色定位对出版社的生存和发展至关重要,它是一个专业出版社不可或缺的发展战略。一个出版社要形成特色,必须扬长避短,发挥优势。没有优势的特色,就像无根之木,无源之水,很快就会枯竭。作为少数民族地区的美术摄影出版社,要想以独具特色的出版物在激烈的图书出版市场竞争中求得生存和发展,首先要在专业、个性方面寻找优势,挖掘、提炼、推广新疆历史、各民族文 At the National Press and Publication Bureau meeting held by the Press and Publication Administration at the end of 2003, in order to meet the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy and nurture and reshape the new market players, it is necessary to establish and nurture a group of professional groups that follow the path of inclusive development, We should also give priority to supporting a group of small but special publishing units and take the road of specialization. How to run a professional publishing house in ethnic minority areas in the new historical period, I think we must give full play to our own advantages, highlight our own characteristics, open markets by our own features and attract readers by virtue of characteristics. Clearly defining the position is crucial to the survival and development of publishing houses. It is an indispensable development strategy for a professional publishing house. A publishing house to create features, we must avoid weaknesses, give full play to advantages. No advantage of the characteristics, like roots, passive water, will soon be depleted. As an art photography press in a minority area, in order to survive and develop in the fierce competition in the book publishing market with unique publications, it is necessary to find advantages in specialty and individuality, to excavate, refine and promote the history of Xinjiang , All ethnic languages
目的 :研究彭州岩叶乌头根中生物碱成分。方法 :p H梯度洗脱及硅胶柱层析。结果 :从中分得七个已知去甲二萜生物碱 ,通过光谱法鉴定为塔拉萨敏 (talatisamine) 1、异塔拉萨定
通过对 6 0只去势雌性大鼠FSH(卵泡刺激素 )、LH(黄体生成激素 )、PRL(催乳激素 )、E2 (雌二醇 )、P(孕酮 )、T(睾酮 )含量影响的实验研究 ,在妇女更年期综合征的发病机理、
选择富里酸(fulvic acid,FA)和胡敏酸(humilic acid,HA)作为吸附对象,通过铁矿物吸附筛选实验,以黄铁矿(pyrite)为吸附剂研究其对水体中两种典型腐殖酸(humic acid)的吸附特性.利用X
目的 :比较中药首乌、山楂、葛根合剂和苯扎贝特的调脂作用和安全性。方法 :13 8例病例随机分为A组 ( 3 4例 ) ,B组 ( 3 4例 )分别用中药合剂和苯扎贝特共 8周 ,C组用中药合