
来源 :中国医院统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwert730202
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随着经济改革的深入发展,医院要从单纯公益性的福利事业逐渐向公益性与经营性并举的形式转变,在新形式下医院要生存发展,就必须适应市场经济,提高市场占有率。1 影响市场占有率的因素1.1 居民健康意识增强和思想观念转变,导致住院病人减少。随着经济的发展,居民经济收入的提高,人们对医疗的要求也随之增高,健康检查、疾病的早期诊疗已趋普遍,大多数疾病在门诊已得到较好的诊治。部分病人的病情即使稍微重一点,在市场经济条件下,他们宁可多跑几趟门诊,也不愿停止工作入院治疗,从而减少了住院病人。 With the in-depth development of economic reform, hospitals should gradually change from a mere public welfare welfare undertaking to a commonality and business operation. In order to survive and develop in a new form, hospitals must adapt to the market economy and increase market share. 1 Factors influencing market share 1.1 The residents’ health awareness and change of ideology have led to a decrease in hospitalized patients. With the development of economy and the increase of residents’ income, people’s demands for medical care have also increased. Health examinations and the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases have become more common. Most diseases have been better diagnosed and treated in outpatient clinics. Even if the condition of some patients is slightly heavier, in the market economy conditions, they would rather run a few more outpatient clinics, rather than stop working for hospitalization treatment, thereby reducing the hospitalized patients.
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本文采用逐步回归分析方法,对340例浸润型肺结核病人住院费用进行分析。结果表明,住院费用与职业、住院季节、菌阴菌阳、咳血、继发感染、结核性胸膜炎有关。 In this paper
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