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本文从8个方面简要论述并介绍了国外辐射温度计的发展动向。 1.测量范围及检测器:高、中、低温的一般分法,日本钢铁厂使用的各种辐射温度计的比例,高、中、低温辐射温度计常用的检测器种类。 2.提高性能和加强功能:从数字化、精度及功能三个方面介绍了一些国外辐射温度计的性能。 3.附属设备与现场应用的关系:说明了附属设备在现场使用中的重要性,举例介绍热风炉测温的附属设备等。 4.向轻量化小型化发展:便携式为其一种发展方向,并介绍了国外最新的超小型便携式辐射温度计。 5.光导纤维的应用:利用光导纤维对辐射测温所带来的好处及应用。 6.专用仪表的研究:玻璃测温的特点及其波长的选择,并介绍了一种能预测农作物收获量的辐射温度计。扫描及热像图:简述了一维扫描及两维扫描的测温装置,并介绍了一种热像仪。关于微处理机的应用:指出微处理机的发展对辐射温度计可能带来的影响。最后提出了5点希望:1.努力提高辐射测温仪表的可靠性和精度。2.增加品种,使产品多样化。3.大力开展关键元件的研制工作,使之性能稳定并有互换性。4.尽力吸收各方面的先进技术,以发展辐射测温技术。5.注意推广和提高使用水平,使辐射测温能得到较快的发展。 This article briefly discusses and introduces the development trend of foreign radiation thermometers from eight aspects. 1. Measuring range and detector: general method of high, medium and low temperature, the proportion of various radiation thermometers used by Japanese steel mills, and the types of detectors commonly used in high, medium and low temperature radiation thermometers. 2. To improve performance and enhance the function: From the digitization, accuracy and function of the introduction of some foreign performance of the radiation thermometer. 3. Auxiliary equipment and field application of the relationship: describes the use of ancillary equipment in the field of importance, an example of hot stove temperature ancillary equipment. 4. To the development of lightweight miniaturization: Portable as a development direction, and introduced the latest ultra-small portable radiation thermometer. 5. Optical fiber applications: The use of optical fiber radiation on the benefits of temperature measurement and application. 6 special instrument research: the characteristics of glass temperature measurement and wavelength selection, and introduced a predictable crop yield radiation thermometer. Scanning and thermography: A brief description of one-dimensional and two-dimensional scanning temperature measurement device, and introduced a thermal imager. About Microprocessor Applications: Indicate the possible impact that a microprocessor can have on a radiation thermometer. Finally, put forward five hopes: 1. Efforts to improve the reliability of radiation thermometer and accuracy. 2. increase variety, product diversification. 3. vigorously carry out research and development of key components, so that the performance is stable and interchangeable. 4. Try to absorb all aspects of advanced technology in order to develop radiation thermometry. 5. Pay attention to promote and improve the level of use, so that radiation temperature can be faster development.
AIM:To determine the expression levels of gastrointestinal nesfatin-1 in ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus(VMH)-lesioned(obese)and ventrolateral hypothalamic nu
本文介绍了至今已经确证的PVF_2的4种晶体结构.叙述了PVF_2膜的制作方法、特性及其应用.并指出了限制聚合物换能器商品化速度的若干因素. In this paper, four crystal stru