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根据党的十四届六中全会关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决定精神,劳动和社会保障部党组于1998年9月发出《关于在劳动保障系统开展“三优”文明窗口创建活动的通知》,各地劳动保障部门积极开展创建活动,涌现出了一批成绩显著的先进单位和优秀个人,推动了劳动保障系统社会主义精神文明建设,为完成各项劳动保障工作任务提供了有力的保证。受表彰的单位和个人在深入开展创建“三优”文明窗口活动中发挥示范作用。全国劳动保障系统窗口单位和广大干部职工要向先进典型学习,进一步树立全心全意为人民服务意识,努力为广大劳动者和用人单位提供优质服务,争创“三优”文明窗口,争当优秀工作者,为推进劳动保障事业作出新的贡献。 In accordance with the spirit of the decision made by the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on several important issues concerning the building of a socialist spiritual civilization, the Party Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued the “Civilized Window on Carrying out the” Three Excellent “Labor and Social Security System in September 1998 Notice of Establishment of Activities ”, the labor and social security departments at various localities actively carried out the founding activities, a number of advanced units and individuals with remarkable achievements were promoted, the socialist spiritual civilization construction of the labor security system was promoted, and the tasks of labor security were completed Strong guarantee. The units and individuals that were commended for playing an exemplary role in deepening the campaign to create a “three excellent” civilization window. The national labor security system window units and cadres and workers should learn from the advanced models and further establish their sense of serving the people wholeheartedly and strive to provide excellent services to the vast numbers of laborers and employers and create a civilized window of " Workers, to make new contributions to promote the cause of labor and social security.
应用免疫抑制剂和皮质激素后并发结核病的问题尚未引起临床医生重视,我们遇到2例,均未能在死前确诊,教训深刻。 例1 男,25岁。因发热、四肢反复出现皮下结节3个月入院。经多
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笔者就大体积混凝土体积变形及裂缝产生的原因、种类、相应质量控制措施进行研究分析。 The author of mass concrete deformation and the causes of cracks, types, the c
用1‰浓度升汞酒精10ml 加1.2~1_4%浓氨水0.5ml 混合液装瓶内密闭,避光保存。用棉签蘸此备用液涂擦疣局部(3~4次/日,每次反复涂1分钟以上),门诊治愈23例疣,其中寻常疣11例在6~8
尊敬的各位领导、各位代表、各位朋友:  今天,借“服务与品牌”两项国标宣贯一周年纪念大会之际,受大会委托由我来发布《2012中国企业售后服务发展报告》。这份报告是由中国商业联合会和中国人民大学信息分析研究中心联合编写的。它既是对过去一年售后服务工作的记录和总结,也是对未来售后服务工作的指导和激励。  2012企业售后服务年度报告的主题是:塑品牌·扬文化!它表达了两层意思:第一,售后服务是企业竞争的