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  It’s early in the morning at this rather unusual hotel.
  David Roberts (Hotel Owner): Wakey, wakey girls. Breakfast is served.
  But then these guests do like to get up at the crack of dawn. They’re staying at a hotel dedicated totally to chickens. The hotel owner, David Roberts, came up with the idea because so many of us are now keeping chickens and then don’t know what to do with them when we go away.
  So what does a chicken get when it checks in?
  Roberts: They have a 1)mite powdering 2)pamper when they first get here, so that…that makes them…make sure they’re free of red mite, which is quite common. And to get them settled in we have an open-air buffet and en-suite facilities for our hotel suites.
  So, if a chicken could rate this hotel for itself, would it 3)crow about it? While the countryside views are very relaxing, there are no spa facilities, but then they can clean themselves, and the food is definitely 5-star.
  Roberts: It’s a mixed corn and maize 4)pellets that we have for them, but occasionally owners want to leave some treats for them, like maybe some lettuce or some corn or apple or things like that. We provide that as well.
  And when you get back from your holiday, well, you’ll get your chicken, you’ll get your bill and, if they had a happy stay, well, you never know, you might be lucky enough to get some eggs.
最近在日本开张的方便面博物馆让家长们美梦成真。在这里,家长们不用再许诺孩子们在参观完毕以后上哪儿吃一顿好的,因为好吃的就摆在那儿,在他们周围,触手可及。那些都是高质量的方便面。  孩子:(通过翻译)这里的方便面比在超市买的要好吃得多,因为我可以自主挑选自己喜欢的口味和浇头。  参观者可以从12种浇头中选择其中的四种,例如鱼饼和蔬菜等,他们也可以随心所欲把食物混搭以后再配上调料。喜欢辣的游客可以选择
不知从何时开始,国人对“旅行”变得又爱又恨。当头脑中那惬意的旅程,渐渐演化为千篇一律的景点、表情相似的游客、走马观花的体验,自然让人意兴阑珊、兴趣索然。更甚者,有人调侃说,现在的中国式旅游就是摇着小旗宣告“到此一游”,是“出访”欧美为中国成为世界上第二大奢侈品消费国出一分力,是到海南的免税店感受一下什么叫门庭若市……  当然,以上种种绝不能说是中国旅游文化之全部,而恰恰相反,正是由于有越来越多的旅
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