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祁连山水源涵养林是河西地区水资源的贮蓄中心,在河西地区社会经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用,是河西走廊人民生存发展的命根子。由于祁连山区气候干旱,林区人为活动频繁,林分树种单一,森林生态系统失衡,森林病虫害常年暴发成灾,对森林生态系统健康构成了巨大的危害。随着保护区退耕还林、天然林保护、生态公益林建设等林业生态工程的全面实施,保护区森林资源面积逐年扩大,森林保护的任务越来越重,这就要求保护区必须加强林业有害生物防控工作,提高有害生物防控水平,有效保护森林健康,以促进保护区的可持续发展。目前,甘肃祁连山国家级自然保护区发生危害的森林害虫主要有云杉梢斑螟、松点卷蛾、异色卷蛾、云杉阿扁叶蜂、丹巴腮扁叶蜂、云杉多露象甲。发生危害的主要林木病害为青海云杉叶锈病、云杉落针病、云杉叶枯病、山杨黑斑病、山杨叶锈病、桦木 The water conservation forest in Qilian Mountains is the storage center of water resources in Hexi Corridor and plays a decisive role in the social and economic development of Hexi Corridor. It is the lifeblood of the survival and development of people in Hexi Corridor. Due to the arid climate in the Qilian Mountains, frequent man-made activities in the forest area, single tree species, unbalanced forest ecosystems, and perennial outbreaks of forest pests and diseases have posed tremendous damage to the health of forest ecosystems. With the full implementation of forestry ecological projects such as returning farmland to forestry, protection of natural forests and construction of ecological public welfare forests, the area of ​​forest resources in protected areas has been expanding year by year, and the tasks of forest protection have become more and more important. This requires that protected areas must strengthen the harmfulness of forestry Biological control work, improve the level of pest control, effectively protect the health of forests to promote the sustainable development of protected areas. At present, the main forest pests harmful to the Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve in Gansu are sphagnoderm, pine moth, coleoptera, spruce A flat leaf bee, Like a The major forest diseases that occurred were the leaf rust of Picea mongolica, the needle drop disease of Picea, the leaf blight of spruce, the blight of aspen, the leaf rust of poplar, the birch
A new triterpene glycoside,leucospilotaside C,along with two known saponin,was isolated from sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota collected from the South China
脑胶质瘤是起源于神经外胚层的肿瘤 ,约占成人颅内肿瘤的 30 %~ 5 0 %,其中恶性胶质瘤占6 0 %,其生存期短 ,死亡率高 ,治疗困难[1] 。深入揭示脑胶质瘤的发病机制 ,开辟新的治