
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taiyangkaimen
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所谓受益均衡就是指在承认略有差别的前提下,分清轻重缓急,使各部队、部门、个人、事业任务、消费和积累,在生产经营收益中受益基本平衡。随着军队生产收益的不断增加,受益不均衡的矛盾日益突出,表现为:生产经营收益分配中的“马太效应”现象;生产经营分配向个人消费倾斜;生产经营中中饱私囊的现象比较严重;生产经营中的短期行为。生产经营受益不均衡削弱了我军的凝聚力,影响了我军根本职能的实现,影响军队廉政建设,影响军队的后续建设。作者分析了其产生的原因,认为实现生产经营受益均衡可分三步进行:以“有偿集中”的原则,实行生产经营集团军归口管理,理顺生产经营的分配关系;调整生产经营结构,实行军区、军兵种集中归口管理,为实行全军统管创造条件;生产经营全军统管,收益纳入预算,实行标准化供应。 The so-called benefit-balance means that, on the premise of acknowledging a slight difference, we should prioritize and make all units, departments, individuals, business tasks, consumption and accumulation basically benefit from the benefits of production and operation. As the proceeds of army production continue to increase, the contradictions of unbalanced benefits have become increasingly prominent. They are manifested in the phenomenon of “Matthew Effect” in the distribution of profits and profits in production and operation, the slant in the distribution of production and operation to individual consumption, and the seriousness of self-enrichment in production and operation ; Short-term behavior in production and operation. Weaknesses in the production and operation have weakened the cohesion of our armed forces, affected the fulfillment of the fundamental functions of our army, affected the building of an honest and clean government and affected the follow-up construction of the army. The author analyzes the reasons for its occurrence, and holds that realizing the balance of production and operation benefits can be carried out in three steps: implementing the centralized management of production and operation groups by the principle of “paid concentration”, rationalizing the distribution of production and management; adjusting the structure of production and operation and implementing the military The centralized management of the armed forces and arms focused on the implementation of the unified management of the entire armed forces. The entire army was in charge of production and management, and the proceeds were included in the budget and a standardized supply was put in place.
日前,在国家大剧院进行的“艺术1+1”沙龙活动中,央视名嘴白岩松与乐评人陈立对话,畅谈自己聆听古典音乐的心灵感受。 Recently, at the “Grand Theater 1” Salon held by