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用免疫组化技术观察了正常和秋水仙素预处理后的血管活性肠肽、加压素和生长抑素免疫反应阳性胞体和纤维在SD大鼠交叉上核的分布。(1)血管活性肠肽:在交叉上核嘴侧部的腹外侧部有少量阳性胞体和纤维分布;在交叉上核中部,大量阳性胞体集中在腹外侧亚核,相当多的阳性纤维分布于整个核区;在交叉上核尾侧部可见少量阳性胞体和中等密度的阳性纤维。(2)加压素:在交叉上核嘴侧部和尾侧部可见中等密度的阳性胞体和纤维,以核的背内侧为多,大量阳性胞体和纤维见于交叉上核中部的背内侧亚核。(3)生长抑素:阳世胞体较少,散布于交叉上核的背内侧亚核,以核的中部为多,中等密度的阳性纤维遍及交叉上核全长。(4)双标显示血管活性肠肽、加压素和生长抑素存在于交叉上核的不同神经元之中,没有共存。 Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the distribution of vasoactive intestinal peptide, vasopressin and somatostatin immunoreactive positive cells and fibers in the cross of supracondylar nucleus in SD rats after normal and colchicine pretreatment. (1) Vasoactive intestinal peptide: a small amount of positive cells and fibers distributed in the lateral part of the ventral side of the nucleus on the cross; in the middle of the cross, a large number of positive cell bodies were concentrated in the ventromedial subnucleus, a considerable number of positive fibers were distributed The entire nuclear region; in the cross-section of the caudal part visible a small amount of positive cell bodies and medium density of positive fibers. (2) vasopressin: in the cross on the side of the mouth and the caudal part of the middle density of positive cells and fibers visible to the back of the nucleus as much, a large number of positive cells and fibers found in the middle of the dorsal medial subarctic nucleus . (3) somatostatin: seminoma less spread in the dorsal medial subnucleus of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the middle of more, medium density of positive fibers throughout the full length of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. (4) double-labeled showed that vasoactive intestinal peptide, vasopressin and somatostatin exist in different neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, there is no coexistence.
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本刊讯 在湖北省委宣传部领导下,由湖北省期刊研究会组织的“迈向新世纪,促进新发展”专题优秀文章(1999-2000年度)评选活动日前结束。我院学报刊发的雷振扬教授的《论社会主义发
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