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本文给出了一个新型高效的报废电子电气设备循环再利用系统。该系统称为“电子电气产品多生命周期中心”(简称“中心”,下同)。“中心”采用先进的自动化技术和信息技术实现了对报废电子电气设备的经济和生态化处理。该“中心”在奥地利维也纳市建有示范工厂,进行报废电子电气设备的循环回收。“中心”所处理的对象包括信息和通讯设备、消费电子产品、电子电气器件、玩具及娱乐设施。与这些东西相关其它产品也纳入了收集和循环体系。逆向物流(译者注:即将报废产品进行回收的过程)采用无线射频识别技术(RFID)进行管理“。中心”遵从报废电子电气设备回收程度最大化的理念,即从对报废电子电气设备整体再利用,到零部件回收以及回收原材料。“中心”所采用的技术目前在世界上都是独树一帜的,我们也在努力证明采用先进技术对报废电子电气设备进行大规模生态化高效回收的可行性。本文描述了“中心”各个职能的概况,着重讲解了两大关键技术:半自动拆卸和基于无线射频识别技术的逆向物流。 This paper presents a new type of efficient recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment system. The system is called “E-Lifecycle Center for Electronic Products” (“Center” for short). “Center” uses advanced automation technology and information technology to achieve the economic and ecological treatment of scrapped electrical and electronic equipment. The “Center” has a demonstration plant in Vienna, Austria, for the recycling of scrapped electrical and electronic equipment. The Center deals with information and communications equipment, consumer electronics, electrical and electronic equipment, toys and entertainment facilities. Other products related to these are also included in the collection and recycling system. Reverse logistics is managed by radio frequency identification (RFID). “The center” follows the philosophy of maximizing the recycling of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment, from the point of view of the overall re-use of scrapped electrical and electronic equipment Use, to spare parts recovery and recovery of raw materials. The technology used in the “Center” is unique in the world at present. We are also trying to prove the feasibility of using advanced technology to conduct large-scale ecological and efficient recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. This article describes an overview of each of the Centers’ functions, highlighting two key technologies: semi-automatic disassembly and reverse logistics based on radio frequency identification technology.
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一、绪言Al-Zn-Mg 系合金在含水环境中,不论有无应力作用,都证明有脆化问题。早期的工作把脆化归因于阳极溶解的机理。近来,由于取得了大量阴极放电试验和无应力作用的脆化
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文中介绍轴承打字用的万能刻字模,具有能任意排列组合各种数字和符号的分度靠模,字迹清晰完整,字型美观,刻字效率高。详细说明了机刻工艺应解决的十个技术问题。 This artic