In-vivo behavior of tin-radiopharmaceuticals

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhfly6278
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Tin is an essential ingredient of most technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals but its in-vivo distribution and long-term fate are not well understood. This work describes distribution in mice of several tin-117m labeled compounds. The results indicate that stannic-HEDTMP appears to be the best overall bone localizing agent with very low blood, muscle, kidney, or liver uptake, and its binding to bone is higher than that of tin-117m-DTPA, which make it potentially useful as an agent for skeletal scintigraphy and radiotherapy of bone tumors. Tin is an essential ingredient of most technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals but its in-vivo distribution and long-term fate are not well understood. This work describes distribution in mice of several tin-117m labeled compounds. The results indicate that stannic-HEDTMP appears to be the best overall bone localizing agent with very low blood, muscle, kidney, or liver uptake, and its binding to bone is higher than that of tin-117m-DTPA, which make it potentially useful as an agent for skeletal scintigraphy and radiotherapy of bone tumors.
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强夯块石墩处理软基具有施工方法简单 ,兼具置换、排水固结、提高软基抗震能力等优点 ,在深圳沿海软土地基处理中广泛应用。本文以深圳市科技工业园科技大道试验区为例 ,全面
1 临床资料 患者男性,33岁,歼-6飞行员,飞行时间1400h。在一次高空飞行时,飞机从10000m高度下降,速度为160m/s,座舱密封,压力为0.2kg/cm~2。在下降过程中,患者鼓膜有被压的