
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyinan
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从近几年各地的中考物理试题来看,说理题目得到了一定地重视。说理题对于培养学生的逻辑思维能力、加深对物理知识的理解具有重要作用,是中学物理教学中必不可少的组成部分,是将认知水平从初级向高级过渡的重要环节之一.一、说理题的特点从广义讲,凡是需要用语言文字说清“为什么”的物理问题,都是说理题.在解答计算题时,常常也要辅以一定的文字说明,这也是一种 Judging from the physics examination questions in various places in recent years, the topic of reasoning has received a certain amount of attention. Saying that the topic has an important role in cultivating students’ logical thinking ability and deepening their understanding of physical knowledge is an indispensable part of physics teaching in middle schools and an important part of the transition from primary to advanced levels. Say the characteristics of the rationale in the broad sense, all the physical problems that need to use linguistic words to clarify the “why” are to say the rationale. When answering a calculation problem, it is often accompanied by a certain textual description. This is also a kind of
例1 人骑自行车走了3h,开始2h 以5m/s的速度匀速行驶,后1h 以2.5m/s 的速度匀速行驶,求:(1)骑车人3h 走的路程是多少km?(2)骑车人的平均速度是多少km/h?分析该题的已知条件
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王蒙先生说过,如果有几本耐看的好书陪伴,哪怕蹲10年监狱也不那么可怕。喜欢读书写作的人都是耐得住寂寞的人,孤岛或者监狱估计于他们而言又是另一番广阔天地。 Mr. Wang Me
Construction is underway on the first metro line in Shanghai, China. Despite a halt in construction in 1985 due to financial problems, the 14.4km line is still
恋爱就像吃辣椒,不吃的时候它总是奇香无比,但真正吃的时候却辣得你痛不欲生,后悔莫及,发誓永不再吃,然而辣劲刚过,你又对它朝思暮想。 Love is like eating chili peppers,