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在两种不同供磷水平的强酸性菜园土壤上开展大田试验,研究磷肥用量对莴笋产量、品质和磷素效率的影响.结果表明,在施磷P_2O_5270 kg/hm~2的范围内,低磷和中磷强酸性土壤莴笋产量随施磷量增加而明显增加(p<0.01,下同),增幅达8.2%~28.1%,但超过施磷P_2O_5135 kg/hm~2两种土壤莴笋产量增幅减小且边际产量大幅度降低.施磷P_2O_5显著提高(p<0.05,下同)两种土壤莴笋叶、茎氨基酸和莴笋叶维生素C质量分数.莴笋糖组分在两土壤上的影响以葡萄糖百分比变幅最大(3.0%~121%和13.0%~115.0%),而还原糖和果糖百分比随施磷量增加先增加后降低.莴笋硝酸盐质量分数在施用磷肥后显著降低(叶片降幅为7.3%~17.7%和23.4%~39.9%,茎降幅达9.2%~35.3%和8.7%~41.0%).两土壤莴笋磷肥利用率、偏生产力和磷肥农学效率的影响均呈先升高后降低变化,且以P3处理磷肥利用效率最高.综合莴笋产量、品质及磷素养分效率,以P3处理(135 kg P_2O_5/hm~2)效应最佳,可作为该地莴笋生产中磷肥的合理施用量. Field experiments were conducted on two strongly acidic vegetable garden soils with different P-supplying levels to study the effect of P application on the yield, quality and P efficiency of lettuce. The results showed that under the condition of phosphorus P_2O_5270 kg / hm ~ 2, And the yield of lettuce in strongly acidic soils increased by 8.2% -28.1% with the increase of phosphorus application (p <0.01, the same below), but the increase of yield of lettuce exceeded that of P_2O_5135 kg / hm ~ 2 Small and marginal yield decreased significantly.Phosphorus and P_2O_5 significantly increased (p <0.05, the same below) the content of vitamin C in leaf, stem amino acid and lettuce leaves of two soil types.The effect of sugar content in two lettuce plants on the percentage of glucose (3.0% -121% and13.0% -115.0%), while the percentage of reducing sugars and fructose firstly increased and then decreased with the increase of phosphorus application.Nitrate mass fraction of lettuce decreased significantly after application of phosphate fertilizer (leaf decline was 7.3% ~ 17.7% and 23.4% ~ 39.9%, and the stems declined by 9.2% ~ 35.3% and 8.7% ~ 41.0%, respectively) .The lettuce utilization efficiency, partial yield capacity and agronomic efficiency of lettuce increased first and then decreased, And P3 treatment of phosphate fertilizer has the highest efficiency.Combination of lettuce yield, quality and phosphorus nutrients Efficiency, the effect of P3 treatment (135 kg P_2O_5 / hm ~ 2) is the best, which can be used as rational fertilizer for the production of lettuce in this area.
题 设n、m∈N ,并令an=cot2 nπ2m + 1 ,试求数列 {an}的前n项之和Sn。   (注 第一位解答正确者将获得奖金 5 0元 )。有奖解题擂台(52)$安徽师范大学附属中学@阚政平!邮编:241001 Let n
20 0 1年全国高中数学联合竞赛加试试题 1如下 :如图 ,△ABC中 ,O为外心 ,三条高AD、BE、CF交于点H ,直线DE和AB交于点M ,FD和AC交于点N。求证 :( 1 ) OB⊥DF ,OC⊥DE ;( 2 ) OH⊥MN。本文给出该试题的解析法
数学开放题是指条件不完备或结论不确定,但被认为是最富有教育价值的数学问题·它一般具有下列一些特征:问题的答案是不确定的;没有现成的解题模 The mathematics open ques
试验结果的无限性和每一个试验结果出现的等可能性是几何概型的显著特征,对试验结果采取“几何化”手段是解决几何概 The infinity of the test results and the possibilit