
来源 :广东医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uslifes
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为了搞好围产期保健,降低围产儿死亡率,本文综合广东地区8所医院有关围产儿(围产期Ⅰ)死亡率及死亡原因资料进行分析。一、围产儿死亡率(表1) 在1975~1979年5年中广东地区8所医院统计围产儿死亡率最低为15.29‰,最高为36.99‰,相差2.4倍。这可能与各地医疗条件的差异和接收的孕妇情况不同有关。本文统计出生儿数共52,320例,围产儿死亡1,332例,死亡率平均为25.46‰。广东地区围产儿死亡率略高于全国17省市的平均数(25.13‰),比世界上围产儿死亡率最低的国家(1974年瑞典13‰,瑞士15‰,法国19.3‰)明显增高,与上海市12所医院13.1‰相比亦有很大的差距。广东地区1975~1979年新生儿出生数逐年增加,新生儿死亡率明显下降,但围产儿死亡率仅稍下降。较多单位停留在相同水平,值得引起注意。(表2) 二、围产儿死亡有关因素(一) 体重:本文统计6,943例体重1,000~2,500g的围产期新生儿,死亡660人,死亡率为95.06‰。而38,120例体重2,501~4,000 g者死亡397人,死亡率为10.41‰。322例体重4,001g以上者死亡14人,死亡率为43.48‰。说明早产儿及宫内发育迟缓的低体重儿死亡率高,而妊娠期过长的的胎儿由于分娩困难,亦增加其死亡率。(二) 孕周:在18,242例妊娠38~41周出生的围产儿,死亡257人,死亡率为14.09‰。<38周出生者3,121例,死亡432人,死亡率为138.41‰。而妊娠42周以上出生1,230例,死亡47人,死亡率为38.21‰。可见早产及过期 In order to improve the perinatal care and reduce the perinatal mortality rate, this article analyzes the data of perinatal (perinatal) mortality and causes of death in eight hospitals in Guangdong. I. Perinatal mortality rate (Table 1) In the five years from 1975 to 1979, the lowest perinatal mortality rate in the eight hospitals in Guangdong was 15.29 ‰ and the highest was 36.99 ‰, a difference of 2.4-fold. This may be related to differences in medical conditions across the country and receiving pregnant women. This article statistics a total of 52,320 cases of births, perinatal deaths 1,332 cases, the average mortality rate was 25.46 ‰. The perinatal mortality rate in Guangdong was slightly higher than the average of 25 provinces in China (25.13 ‰), significantly higher than the lowest perinatal mortality rate in the world (13 ‰ in Sweden in 1974, 15 ‰ in Switzerland and 19.3 ‰ in France) Shanghai 12 hospitals compared to 13.1 ‰ also have a big gap. The number of newborns in Guangdong Province increased from 1975 to 1979 year by year, the neonatal mortality rate dropped significantly, but the perinatal mortality rate decreased only slightly. More units stay in the same level, it is worth attention. (Table 2) 2. Related Factors of Perinatal Death (I) Weight: 6,943 infants with perinatal weight from 1,000 to 2,500 g were counted in this study. There were 660 deaths and the mortality rate was 95.06 ‰. While 38,120 deaths of 397 people with weights of 2,501 to 4,000 g and a mortality rate of 10.41 per thousand were observed. 322 cases of body weight over 4,001g 14 people died, the mortality rate was 43.48 ‰. This shows that premature children and intrauterine growth retardation of low birth weight children with high mortality, while the fetus during pregnancy is too long because of childbirth difficulties, but also increase the mortality rate. (II) Gestational Week: Among 27 242 perinatal babies born during 38-41 weeks of gestation, 257 were dead with a mortality rate of 14.09 ‰. <3,121 births <38 weeks, 432 deaths, the mortality rate was 138.41 ‰. And 1,230 cases were born more than 42 weeks of gestation, 47 people died, the mortality rate was 38.21 ‰. Can be seen premature birth and expired
女阴白色病损(Wbite lesins of thevulva)是妇女常见的外阴病,它以女阴皮肤,粘膜的搔痒、脱色、萎缩或增生为主要病变,或间有皲裂及溃疡。过去统称为“外阴白斑”,由于病因
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