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今年上半年生产资料市场情况同去年下半年相比有了明显好转,各项治理整顿措施收到初步效果,钢材等主要生产资料的使用量下降,供求矛盾有所缓和,市场价格未出现大幅度波动。但是,同治理整顿的要求相比还有很大差距,还存在一些比较突出的问题。预计下半年生产资料市场情况会好于上半年。一、上半年市场价格变化情况上半年生产资料市场价格涨势趋缓,价格走势呈现阶段性变化,价格上涨表现出成本推动的特征。去年末各种治理整顿措施相继出台后,对生产资料市场产生明显影响,从去 In the first half of this year, the situation of the production materials market has improved markedly compared to the second half of last year. Initial results have been obtained for various measures for rectification and improvement, and the use of major production materials such as steel products has decreased. The contradiction between supply and demand has eased, and there has been no significant market price increase. fluctuation. However, there is still a long way to go compared with the requirements for governing and rectifying, and there are still some outstanding problems. It is expected that the situation of the production materials market in the second half will be better than the first half of the year. First, the first half of the market price changes in the first half of the mode of production data market prices tend to slow down, the price trend shows a period of change, the price increase shows the characteristics of cost-driven. At the end of last year, after various measures for rectification were successively introduced, they had a significant impact on the
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