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书桌上摆着一张我和姐姐及两个弟弟的合影,那是我一直最喜爱的一张照片。拍照时我们四人都已步入中年,我们互相攀肩搭背,每个人的面部表情仍然流露出儿时的亲密无间。这张照片足以证明我们兄弟姐妹相聚一堂时是多么的欣慰与安祥。照片使我想起妈妈常常告诫我们的话:“你们在家 There was a photo of my sister and two younger brothers on the desk. It was one of my favorite photos. When we took pictures, all four of us had entered middle age. We walked shoulder to shoulder and each person’s facial expression still revealed childhood intimacy. This photo is proof of how pleased and peaceful our brothers and sisters are when they meet. The photograph reminds me that my mother often warns us: "You guys are at home
吉林牌超级白糖月饼是传统产品,1985年荣获商业部优质产品称号。该产品外观油润丰满,选型端正,厚薄均匀,规格整 Jilin Brand Super Sugar Moon Cake is a traditional prod
My hometown is Beijing,the capital of China.It’s in the north of the country.The population of Beijing is more than ten million.It can be regarded a very large
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关于真理的实践标准问题,我国曾在1978年掀起了一场 空前广泛的大讨论。这场讨论起了极大的思想解放作用,推 动了实践和理论研究的发展。但从哲学理论本身来说,关于 真理的实
蜜花牌酥生片是1985年商业部优质产品。该产品是花生糖类中的一个独特品种。系四川三十年代以来的传统名特食品之一,厂家在不断革新工艺、调 Honey Flower brand crisp fil
It is sometimes said that the English are polite people.This can make life dimcult for foreigners.Suppose a foreign boy asks an English girl to go out with him
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