Experimental study on hydro-mechanical coupling behaviours of highly compacted expansive clay

来源 :Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YWJJK
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Highly compacted expansive clays have been usually considered as a possible material for sealing and backfill in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. In this condition, the material is simultaneously subjected to water infiltration from the geological barrier and stresses generated by the swelling of engineered barriers in confined conditions. Its behaviour under hydro-mechanical loading is essential to the safe design of the whole storage system. In the present work, MX80 bentonite, a kind of expansive clay from Wyoming, USA, was studied. After compaction, its dry density was 1.8 Mg/m3 and its initial suction was 110 MPa. Firstly, the soil was humidified under controlled suction and free-swelling conditions. Significant swelling was observed. Secondly, four values of suction of 110, 39, 9 and 0 MPa were employed to perform isotropic compressive tests at constant suction conditions. That allowed studying the effect of suction on the yield pressure, elastic and plastic compressibility parameters. The results show that the elastic and plastic compressibility parameters increase when the suction decreases. The relationship between these parameters and the logarithm of suction can be linearly correlated. The yield stress drastically decreases upon wetting under free-swelling conditions, from 12 – 18 MPa (at an initial suction of 110 MPa) to 0.2 MPa at saturated state. Highly compacted expansive clays have been usually considered as a possible material for sealing and backfill in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. In this condition, the material is now subjected to water infiltration from the geological barrier and stresses generated by the swelling of engineered barriers in confined conditions. Its behavior under hydro-mechanical loading is essential to the safe design of the whole storage system. In the present work, MX80 bentonite, a kind of expansive clay from Wyoming, USA, was studied. After compaction, its dry density was 1.8 MPa / m3 and its initial suction was 110 MPa. First, the soil was humidified under controlled suction and free-swelling conditions. Significant swelling was observed. Secondary, four values ​​of suction of 110, 39, 9 and 0 MPa were employed to That allowed studying the effect of suction on the yield pressure, elastic and plastic compres The results show that the elastic and plastic compressibility parameters increase when the suction decreases. The relationship between these parameters and the logarithm of suction can be linearly correlated. The yield stress drastically reduced upon wetting under free-swelling conditions, from 12 - 18 MPa (at an initial suction of 110 MPa) to 0.2 MPa at saturated state.
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