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“一带一路”的战略构想为文化与经济的发展带来了机遇。滇越铁路是中国与东南亚之间的重要门户通道,在滇越铁路重新利用开发的大背景下,对铁路沿线的民族体育文化资源进行考察与分析。以少数民族体育文化为视角探索遗产廊道型开发保护战略。将铁路沿线的少数民族体育遗产单体纳入区域性整体保护体系,对我国少数民族体育文化的保护与发展及民族地区多元文化的认同有着极其重要的作用。主要采用文献资料法、田野调查法,从少数民族体育文化资源入手,以遗产廊道理论为基础,对铁路沿线的民族体育文化节点资源进行梳理,探寻民族文化遗产廊道开发路径。 The strategic concept of “Belt and Road” has brought opportunities for the development of culture and economy. The Yunnan-Vietnam Railway is an important gateway between China and Southeast Asia. Based on the background of the re-utilization of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, the national sports culture resources along the railway are investigated and analyzed. Explore the Development and Protection Strategy of Heritage Corridor from the Perspective of Minority Sports Culture. It is very important for the ethnic minority sports heritage monomer along the railway to be included in the regional overall protection system for the protection and development of the sports culture of ethnic minorities in our country and for the recognition of multiculturalism in ethnic regions. Mainly using the literature method and field investigation method, starting from the ethnic minority sports and cultural resources, based on the heritage corridor theory, the resources of the national sports and cultural nodes along the railway are sorted out to explore the development path of the national cultural heritage corridor.
The tumor suppressor gene p53 appears to be important in the development of many human cancers, such as prostate cancer. The association of p53 codon72 polymorp
“宇宙牌”幸福鸡 时间:一九九七年五月九日、十日 地点:英国伦敦TCA(Institute of Contemporary Arts) 行为过程: 艺术家面对观众,换上科学家工作服,进入Nash room拿起装满
转型升级信号频闪近段时间,全国各地的外经贸系统都显得异常忙碌,广东尤甚。广州忙于促进现代服务业,深圳忙于发展高新产业,韶关忙于承接来自珠三角的产业转移,东莞 In rece
目的了解汕头市潮阳区娱乐场所女性性工作者(FSW)艾滋病相关危险行为现状,为在FW S中开展健康教育和行为干预提供科学依据。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷对潮阳区25家娱乐场所
目的 了解广东省2004-2005年居民伤害死亡模式,为伤害预防控制提供基础信息.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样方法抽取广东省12个市县作为调查点,调查对象为2004-2005年调查点户籍
目的分析2005年开展H IV母婴阻断工作以来在顺德地区发现的H IV阳性孕产妇的干预情况,为今后的H IV母婴传播预防控制工作提供科学依据和工作思路。方法采用描述性流行病学方