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三倍体毛白杨培育的方法,主要是采取无性繁殖。主要的方法是嫁接育苗。选择合作杨、群众杨、沙兰杨、大关杨等容易生根的杨树作砧木,尤其以合作杨作母本最好,用三倍体毛白杨的枝条或芽作接穗,进行嫁接育苗。最常用的方法是炮捻接和芽接两种。1.炮捻接炮捻接就是选用三倍体毛白杨接穗有2~5个饱满芽,进行劈接。它的好处是:嫁接容易,成活率高,苗木生长好。具体操作方法:一是采条:砧木及接穗的用条,都采用苗圃内培养的当年生苗干为最好,也可以从生长良好、没有病虫害的大树上采取当年生枝条。采条的时间:要在秋季树叶大部脱落时进行,这时条子上的养分充足,嫁接容易成活。嫁接时间:从秋季落叶到第二年春季发芽前都可嫁接。嫁接方法:选择直径1.5~2.5cm砧木条子,截成8~15cm长,将带有2~5个芽子的接穗,用锋利的小刀,在最下边芽的两侧削成两个削面,靠芽的一侧削厚一些,背芽的一侧削薄一些,削面长2cm左右.接穗削好后,根据接穗的粗细选择相应的砧木。在砧木的上切面斜削一刀,再用刀在砧术切面的中心垂直下劈。劈口长3cm为好,劈口短了接穗捅不进去,过长了会减少收缩力。接穗捅进砧木劈口慢慢撬开,把接穗厚的一面向外。自上而下捅入砧木。接穗和砧本形成层必须对 Triploid poplar cultivation methods, mainly to take asexual reproduction. The main method is to graft nursery. Select the cooperation of Yang, Populus Yang, Shalan Yang, poplar and other easily rooted poplar as rootstock, especially as the best cooperation Yang as the female parent, with triploid Populus to make scion branches or shoots, grafting. The most common method is gun splicing and budding two. 1 gun splicing gun splicing is the selection of triploid Populus scorpion 2 to 5 plump buds, split. Its benefits are: easy grafting, high survival rate, good seedling growth. Specific methods of operation: First, mining: rootstock and scion of the article, are used in nursery in the year of cultivation of seedlings for the best, but also from well-growing, no pests and diseases of the tree to take then branches. Mining time: To fall most of the fall leaves, when the nutrients on the sliver, grafting easy to survive. Grafting time: from the autumn leaves until the second spring before germination can be grafted. Grafting methods: Select the diameter of 1.5 ~ 2.5cm rootstock sliver, cut into 8 ~ 15cm long, with 2 to 5 buds of scion, with a sharp knife, cut in the bottom bud on both sides of the two cut into noodles, by Bud side of some thickening, bud back side of some thinning, noodles long about 2cm. Scion cut, according to the thickness of the scion to select the appropriate rootstock. In the root section of the root bevel cut a knife, and then use the knife in the anvil section perpendicular to the center of the split. Split mouth length 3cm as well, split short stabbing stab does not go in, too long will reduce the contractility. Scion poke into the rootstock cleft slowly pry open, the thick side of the scion outward. Poke into the rootstock from top to bottom. The formation of scions and anvil must be right
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