Trousseau's syndrome in a patient with advanced stage gastric cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyibow
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Patients with cancer are at high risk for thrombotic events,which are known collectively as Trousseau’s syndrome. Herein,we report a 66-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with terminal stage gastric cancer and liver metastasis and who had an initial clinical presentation of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Acute ischemia of the left lower leg that resulted in gangrenous changes occurred during admission. Subsequent angiography of the left lower limb was then performed. This procedure revealed arterial thrombosis of the left common iliac artery with extension to the external iliac artery,the left common iliac artery,the posterior tibial artery,and the peroneal artery,which were occluded by thrombi. Aspiration of the thrombi demonstrated that these were not tumor thrombi. The interesting aspect of our case was that the disease it presented as arterial thrombotic events,which may correlate with gastric adenocarcinoma. In summary,we suggested that the unexplained thrombotic events might be one of the initial presentations of occult malignancy and that thromboprophylaxis should always be considered. Patients with cancer are at high risk for thrombotic events, which are known collectively as Trousseau’s syndrome. Herein, we report a 66-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with terminal stage gastric cancer and liver metastasis and who had an initial clinical presentation of Acute ischemia of the left lower leg that resulted in gangrenous changes occurred during admission. Subsequent angiography of the left lower limb was then performed. This procedure revealed arterial thrombosis of the left common iliac artery with extension to the external iliac artery, the left common iliac artery, the posterior tibial artery, and the peroneal artery, which were occluded by thrombi. Aspiration of the thrombi demonstrated that these were not tumor thrombi. The interesting aspect of our case was that the disease it presented as arterial thrombotic events , which may correlate with gastric adenocarcinoma. In summary, we suggested that the unexplained thrombotic events mig ht be one of the initial presentations of occult malignancy and that thromboprophylaxis should always be considered.
[摘 要]关注个体道德成长的学校道德教育,必须着眼于个体日常生活中的行为准则的正当性和必要性。对于学校道德教育实效性,社会普遍认为很不理想。究其问题的关键,主要在于老师和学生的沟通不到位,从而造成“老师忙死,学生烦死”的局面。本文就以优化德育课程设计出发,探讨一下德育课程的实施过程,以提高学校德育的实效。  [关键词]素材 方式 实效  一、优化德育课程素材  教师在学生的教育过程中既是引导者也是
【摘 要】以教材的高效整合,高效梳理,高效设计建构立体式,大容量,快节奏的结构框架;以教学资源辐射的思维量、信息量、训练量建构高效课堂的知识技能脉络;以教学活动的趣味性,创造性,生成性引领身动、心动、神动的体验探究式活动途径;以学生的肯学、乐学、会学的情感态度及价值观建构高效率、高效益、高效果的实践目标,实现知识的意义、能力的意义,生长的意义。  【关键词】解读 构建要素 建构策略  行走在不断创
辣椒疫病(Phytophthora blight)是由辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici.Lone.)侵染引起的真菌性病害,是辣椒生产上一种毁灭性病害。研究辣椒疫病病原菌侵染诱导下的辣椒基因表达谱
[摘 要]实施名师工程,培养一批在军内外有重大影响的名师,是军队院校教员队伍建设的牵引性工作。揭示名师成长的规律,对探寻促进名师培养的有效对策具有重要意义。本文从精神动力、岗位砺炼、外力推动等方面,对名师的成长规律进行了初步探讨。  [关键词]军队院校 名师 成长规律  军校名师是军事教育群体中的领头雁、顶梁柱。军校名师是具备军队学者和教育专家的复合型素质、在軍事教育战线有突出贡献、在院校以上层次
[摘 要]本文将生冷的法制教育与温心的德育教育结合起来,从学校、家庭、社会三方面对学生的思想、心理影响进行探讨,阐述了职业学校事实法制教育的有效途径和方法。  [关键词]青少年 法制教育 途径 方法  刚进入职业学校的学生,大多十六、七岁,正处思维发展、人格形成的关键阶段,而且大多数远离父母,离家求学。随着生理、心理的发展,竞争压力的增大,社会阅历的扩展及思维方式的变化,他们在学习、生活、人际交往
龙舌兰麻,俗称剑麻,是我国和世界热带、南亚热带地区最重要的纤维作物。剑麻斑马纹病是当前影响我国剑麻生产最严重的病害。 该病由烟草疫霉菌(PhytophthoranicotianaeBreda
【摘 要】本次新课改是建国后的第一次大规模改革,摆在广大教师面前的一个前提就是“势在必行,不改不行”但一直以来很多人还很茫然,甚至怀疑是否一定要进行教育改革,是否开始时轰轰烈烈,最后却偃旗息鼓,不了了之,因此“转变观念,提高认识”是新课改至关重要的一环。  【关键词】 转变教育观念 人才培养观 教师角色观 教学过程  转变教育观念。教育观念应包括两方面内容,一是,为什么观念要转变。二是,观念要做怎