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七月二十六日,在《湖南日报》社的评报栏里,一份长长的评报意见,吸引了不少人。这是湖南省委书记、省长刘正同志所写的第七份意见。早在去年三月,当时担任省委常委的刘正同志对报社的每日评报发生了兴趣,认为:这是一项很好的活动。他去信报社,‘作为一个读者参加评报’。从此,在评报栏里常能看到他的手笔。今年三月,湖南省委组成新领导班子,刘正同志任省委书记,后又当选为省长。尽管他事情多,工作忙,但仍坚持评报,有时深夜来报社审阅稿件,随手写下读报感想和意见。刘省长评报,十分重视报纸的思想内容。在一份评报意见中,他特别强调:‘搞好报道,最主要的是要有明确的指导思想,而后是技术处理上的生动活泼和丰富多采。’他对双 On July 26, in a newspaper column of Hunan Daily, a long comment on the report attracted a lot of people. This is the seventh comment written by comrade Liu Zheng, governor of Hunan Province. As early as March last year, Comrade Liu Zheng, then a member of the Provincial Party Committee, had an interest in the newspaper’s daily commentary and said: This is a very good activity. He went to the newspaper office and took part in the review as a reader. Since then, often in the comment column to see his handwriting. In March this year, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee formed a new leadership team. Comrade Liu Zheng served as secretary of the provincial party committee and was later elected governor. Although he had a lot of work and was busy with his work, he still insisted on comment criticism. Sometimes he went to the newspaper to read the manuscript late at night and readily wrote down his thoughts and opinions. Governor Liu commented on the newspaper and attached great importance to the ideological content of the newspaper. In a comment on comments, he emphasized in particular: ’To do a good job of reporting, the most important thing is to have a clear guiding principle and then a lively and colorful process of technical handling. He is double
一、邓小平同志最近在会见美国战略和国际问题研究中心代表团时说,中国统一后,台湾可以搞( )、大陆搞( ),可以实行( )制度。二、今年三月是第( )个全民文明礼貌月。 First,
职业技工学校传统的教学内容、学科的设置及管理体制在科技的不断进步 ,新技术、新知识的飞速发展的今天和我国加入WTO后的冲击下 ,已不能满足市场的需求。本文用发展的眼光
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