
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajia_jiang
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一、引言自20世纪80年代起,区域经济组织获得了蓬勃的发展,但其实际的执行效果并非达到了所希望的自由化程度。一种隐藏的贸易保护工具——原产地规则日益引起学术界和政府的关注。自由贸易区内成员国采用原产地规则,能够起到保护区域内生产者的作用。一些学者对此问题进行了一定的研究。Mc- I. INTRODUCTION Since the 1980s, the regional economic organizations have made vigorous development. However, the actual implementation effect has not reached the desired level of liberalization. A Hidden Trade Protection Tool - Rules of Origin increasingly attract the attention of academics and governments. Member states in the free trade zone adopt the rules of origin and can play a role in protecting producers in the region. Some scholars have done some research on this issue. Mc-
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1.娱乐原则:从星期一到星期五都要很绅士或是很淑女,星期六则进入狂欢,所以新天地和衡山路的酒吧在周末都要通宵达旦。这就是所谓的“工作时拼命干,休息时尽情玩”。 2、饮
观察活血化瘀注射液 (HHI- I)对细胞因子诱发的体外培养大鼠肺微血管内皮细胞与白细胞粘附率的影响。结果表明肺微血管内皮细胞与含肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF- α)、(IL- 1β)培养基
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