Study on Expansion of Steam Cracking Unit to 660 kt/a at Yanshan Petrochemical Company

来源 :China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gift19852003
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Yanshan Petrochemical Company after having expanded its 300 kt/a steam cracking unit to 450 kt/a in 1994 is still experiencing such problems as low feedstock flexibility, high energy consumption and smaller scale of ethylene unit.In order to fully improve technical capability of steam crackers, reduce energy consumption, improve feedstock flexibility and increase production capacity, a lot of technical revamp cases on steam cracking were studied and compared.Revamp of relevant facilities has expanded the ethylene capacity to the target of 660 kt/a with the actual capacity reaching 710 kt/a. This revamp project has remarkably reduced the energy consumption, which is capable of using naphtha, light diesel fuel, heavy diesel fuel and the hydrocracked tail oil as the steam cracking feedstock. This project is the first to apply refrigeration by means of a mixed cooling agent and has succeeded in using C, catalytic rectification/hydrogenation technology, which has given an impetus to the progress of steam cra Yanshan Petrochemical Company after having expanded its 300 kt / a steam cracking unit to 450 kt / a in 1994 is still experiencing such problems as low feedstock flexibility, high energy consumption and smaller scale of ethylene unit. Order to fully improve technical capability of steam crackers, reduce energy consumption, improve feedstock flexibility and increase production capacity, a lot of technical revamp cases on steam cracking were studied and compared. Revamp of relevant facilities has expanded the ethylene capacity to the target of 660 kt / a with the actual capacity. 710 kt / a. This revamp project has remarkably reduced the energy consumption, which is capable of using naphtha, light diesel fuel, heavy diesel fuel and the hydrocracked tail oil as the steam cracking feedstock. This project is the first to apply refrigeration by means of a mixed cooling agent and has succeeded in using C, catalytic rectification / hydrogenation technology, which has given an impetus to the pro gress of steam cra
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