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近两年来,尽管台湾岛内政局变化多端,两岸关系暗藏危机,但却无法阻挡两岸经济关系的持续迅速发展,而且在贸易、投资、金融等领域出现许多新的变化趋势。在两岸经济关系这种发展趋势下,台湾经济重心进一步向大陆倾斜,大陆成为台湾最大的出口市场、最大的海外生产基地,台湾经济似乎已无法脱离大陆而独自健康持续发展。 In the past two years, despite the changing political landscape in Taiwan, the cross-Strait relations have hidden crises. However, they have failed to stop the sustained and rapid development of cross-Strait economic relations and have seen many new trends in the areas of trade, investment and finance. Under the current trend of cross-Strait economic relations, Taiwan’s economic center is further tilted to the mainland. As the largest overseas export market and the largest overseas production base in Taiwan, it seems that Taiwan’s economy can no longer emerge from the mainland and develop healthily and sustainably on its own.
市场上标有“打折出售”、“买一送一”、“清仓大甩卖”、“市场最低价”、“跳楼价”、“八元店”等字样的广告随处可见 ,让消费者为之心动 ,以为让利给顾客。殊不知 ,这是
Situs ambiguous is a rare anomaly, which includes various abnormalities of position and development of trunk organs and results in diagnostic and therapeutic pr
世纪之交, 在珠三角被誉为“世界工厂”之时, 我们忽然发现广东的国际竞争力出现了下降趋势, 一些原来遥遥领先的主要人均经济指标已低于江浙; 原来最头疼的区域经济发展不平
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AIM: To compare the distribution of virulence-associated genotypes of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) in two areas of north China with different gastric cancer r