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太平洋彼岸北美大陆那块广袤的土地,在我心目中一直是神秘而诱人的。小时候,总理解不了为什么我们白天玩耍,他们那边却是该睡觉的时候;而他们白天上学时,我们却夜深入梦。长大了,适逢“出国热”,不少人考托福,漂洋过海,到那边读书、生活、定居,于是洋房、汽车、美钞接踵而来。看样子,仿佛真是托了什么福,令国人羡慕不已。进入21世纪,对外开放的进一步扩大给边陲少数民族地区的公务员以“师夷人之技”的机会,于是乎我的阅历中平添了一段赴美国参加培训的经历。 The vast expanse of land on the other side of the Pacific North America has always been mysterious and seductive to me. When I was young, the Prime Minister could not understand why we had to play during the day, while they were sleeping on the other side of the lake. When they go to school during the day, we are dreaming at night. Grow up, coincides with the “heat abroad”, many people test TOEFL, across the sea, reading, living, settlements over there, so houses, cars, bills come one after another. Apparently, as if really care what blessing, so envy people endless. In the 21st century, the opening up to the outside world will give civil servants in the border areas minority nationalities the chance to “master the barbarians.” As a result, my experience adds to the experience of going to the United States for training.
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