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相传在公元10世纪的福建莆田湄洲有一位叫林默娘的女士,她能够为渔民预测出海时的天气情况、义务采药治病、拯救遇险渔船,还曾点燃自家的房子,用火光当做航标引导迷航的商船脱离险境。公元987年农历九月初九,在她28岁时因在海上救人而献出年轻的生命。岛上渔民为了纪念这位美丽、善良和乐于助人的好姑娘,特地在岛上建庙并奉为海神,希望世世代代学习妈祖精神多做好事,也希冀妈祖继续保佑百姓航海平安。此后,妈祖因护佑南粮北调、郑和下西洋等“事迹”被历代朝廷多次褒封为天妃、天后、天上圣母。随着航海业发展和华人移民,妈祖庙遍布世界 According to legend, in the 10th century Fujian Putian, Meizhou, a woman named Lin Mo Niang, she was able to forecast the sea when the fishermen weather conditions, the obligation to remedy the disease, save the distress fishing boats, but also ignited their own house, using fire as a navigation beacon Trek merchant ships out of the woods. The ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth month in the year 987 AD, when she was 28 years old, gave her young life by saving the sea at sea. To commemorate the beautiful, kind and helpful girl, the fishermen on the island specially built the temple on the island and worshiped as Poseidon, and hoped that they could learn the spirit of Matsu from all generations and do more good deeds, and hoped that Matsu could continue to keep the people safe and sailing. Since then, Mazu bless southern grain north, Zheng He and other Western “deeds ” has been praised by the successive generations of court seal Tianfei, days, Virgin Mary. With the development of sailing industry and Chinese immigrants, the temple of Mazu is spread all over the world
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以精神分析方法解读东北民间故事《父十八子十八》,会发现其中俄狄浦斯情结的隐晦存在,“得道成仙”不过是对俄狄浦斯情结的掩护,故事的本质是乱伦冲动的幻想性实现。 To in
1864年,德国马德堡市政府讲演大厅里,该市市长科学家葛利克演示了一个有名的马德堡半球实验。 In 1864, in the lecture hall of the Municipality of Magdeburg, Germany,