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目的了解疾病预防控制机构(简称疾控机构)控烟能力状况,更好地发挥疾控机构控烟职能。方法采用中国疾病预防控制中心慢病与社区处疾控系统控烟能力调查表,对山东省、市、县三级疾控机构2006—2010年的控烟活动、吸烟相关危险因素监测、吸烟流行病学及控烟能力培训等情况进行调查分析。结果 96.40%(107/111)的被调查疾控机构开展了控烟工作,其中85.05%(91/107)的疾控机构由健康教育所负责控烟工作,71.96%(77/107)的疾控机构开展了烟草监测和流行病学调查工作,开展的控烟干预活动主要集中在无烟日宣传、常规的健康教育活动、无烟医院、无烟学校等活动,反烟草促销和无烟草广告城市活动等以及控烟技术培训工作开展较少;疾控机构控烟经费支持不足,主要靠机构自筹。结论疾控机构对烟草危害的监测和流行病学调查不足,政府对控烟工作的支持尚需加强,社会公众对控烟工作的参与范围需要扩展,参与程度需要加大。 Objective To understand the status of tobacco control capability of disease prevention and control agencies (CDCs) for better control of tobacco control functions. Methods A questionnaire on tobacco control of chronic diseases and community-based disease control system of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention was used to analyze the tobacco control activities of tobacco control agencies in Shandong Province, cities and counties from 2006 to 2010, the monitoring of risk factors related to smoking, smoking epidemiology And tobacco control training and other conditions for investigation and analysis. Results 96.40% (107/111) of CDC carried out tobacco control work, among which 85.05% (91/107) CDC was controlled by Health Education Center, 71.96% (77/107) CDC Tobacco monitoring and epidemiological investigations have been carried out. Tobacco control interventions mainly focus on tobacco-free publicity, regular health education activities, smoke-free hospitals, smoke-free schools and other activities, anti-tobacco promotion and tobacco-free advertising city activities As well as tobacco control technology training to carry out less; CDC funding support for tobacco control is not enough, mainly by self-financing institutions. Conclusion The CDC has not enough monitoring and epidemiological investigation on the harm of tobacco. The support from the government for tobacco control needs to be strengthened. The public participation in tobacco control needs to be expanded and the degree of participation needs to be increased.
遗传性血管性水肿(Hereditary angioedema,HAE)是以血清C_1酯酶抑制物(C_1 esterase inhibitor,C_1~- inh)缺乏为特征的常染色体显性遗传性疾病。此病的临床表现复杂,涉及到
导语:耳其官方的统计数据显示,大约有40%的女性在不同阶段受到过身体侵害。最近10年来,土耳其的家庭暴力事件翻了一番,许多女性受害者投诉无门,处境艰难。  13岁时,巴哈尔是土耳其第三大城市伊兹密尔乡下一个出售鸡蛋的天真女孩;16岁,由父母安排,她嫁给了一个近亲,但常遭殴打,被迫离家出走;不久,她不幸沦落在夜总会里陪客人喝酒、过夜;因担心早晚一天会丧命,她逃离夜总会,躲进了当地妇女权益保护组织专门
SX240 HS采用1/2.3英寸,1210万有效像素的CMOS图像传感器,镜头为25-500mm(35mm胶片相机等效)的20倍光学变焦镜头。SX240HS采用1/2.3英寸,1210万有效像素的CMOS图像传感器,镜
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