
来源 :中国刑警学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinagood111
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案情摘要:被检者宋××,男,66岁,复员军人,退休工人。宋××在解放东北的一次战斗中阴茎被国民党炮弹炸断,当时战地医院没有条件对断离部分进行再植,只能对断端进行常规处理。宋××因此一直无配偶。1990年3月宋××在家中诱奸于×(女学生,16岁),性接触约5分钟,未射精。一个月后,宋××在家中诱奸陈××(女学生,未满14岁),性接触约10分种,射精。宋××被抓获后称自己无外生殖器,无性行为能力。 Case Summary: The subjects were Song × ×, male, 66 years old, demobilized soldiers, retired workers. Song XX In a battle to liberate the northeast, the penis was severed by the Kuomintang shells. At that time, the field hospital did not have the conditions to replant the severed part and could only handle the broken ends routinely. Song × × so there has been no spouse. March 1990 Song × × Induction at home × (female students, 16 years of age), sexual contact for about 5 minutes, not ejaculation. A month later, Song × × seduce Chen × × (female student under the age of 14) at home, sexual contact for about 10 minutes, ejaculation. After Song XX was captured, he said he had no genitals and no sexual abilities.
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