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当代著名戏曲史论家孙崇涛先生的《家乡戏缘》和《省城戏缘》两文在本刊刊出后,引起了读者的普遍关注,并获得很多好评。为满足读者要求,本刊继续刊发他的新著《小城戏缘》。本文记述了作者大学毕业任教浙江平阳中学期间平阳县城在“文革”和“文革”前后时期的戏剧状况。内容真实感人,行文自然流畅,记述幽默活泼,时多令人忍俊不禁,这是那时期特殊生活形态提供的必然。历史有多种写法,孙先生的写法是独特的:从全国宏观背景着眼,以微观描摹方式,描绘了一段可视的当代中国戏剧历史的细部图像,并同时描述在此背景下作者个人的际遇,表明个人际遇同样可以反映全社会与戏剧的变迁。关于这个时期中国戏剧的状况,尚未见专史面世,作者所做的这项工作,无疑是开创性的,具有很高的戏剧史学价值。 After the publication of this book by the famous opera historian Mr. Sun Chongtao’s “Hometown Romance” and “Provincial Romance of the City”, the articles attracted great attention of the readers and won a great deal of praise. In order to meet the reader’s request, the magazine continues to publish his new book “Little Town Journey”. This article describes the drama of Pingyang county during and after the graduation of the university teaching in Pingyang Middle School in Zhejiang Province before and after the “Cultural Revolution” and “Cultural Revolution”. The content is real and touching, with natural and smooth writing style, vivid humorous and vivid, when it is more people can not help but laugh, this is the inevitability of the special life style provided at that time. There are a variety of wordings in history. Mr. Sun’s writing is unique: From the perspective of the national macro-context, it depicts a detailed picture of the history of contemporary Chinese theater in a micro-depiction mode and at the same time depicts the personal encounters of the authors in this context , Which shows that personal encounters can also reflect the changes of the whole society and drama. As for the status of Chinese drama in this period, no special history has yet been published. The work done by the author is undoubtedly groundbreaking and has a high historical value of drama.
在乡下,我经常看到公鸡昂首挺胸、精神饱满地走在路上. 要是谁敢拦它的路,它非把那人啄出个包来不可. 它的高傲虽然不能像鹅那样,通过脖子来体现,但一看它那身五彩斑斓的行头
摘要:实验是小学科学教学的最根本的探究方式。科学课应重视实验教学,培养学生操作能力,提升科学探究的质量。在实验教学中,教师可以巧妙设计实验,激发操作兴趣;强化初次操作,形成操作规范;充分创造条件,熟练操作技能;课内外结合,培养探究能力,使学生主动获取科学知识和技能。  关键词:操作 实验 兴趣 规范 环境    实验是学生获取知识、进行知识创新的重要手段,是培养学生的科学兴趣、科学态度、提高学生科
7月上旬,在汉源县萝卜岗工地上,一个个湖北援建者紧张地忙碌着,他们裸露着黝黑的皮肤,额头被晒成无数“斑马纹”。而在他们的身后,一排排整齐标准的活动板房拔地而起——截至7月13日18时,已累计搭建活动板房1.05万套。  “未来3年,汉源将成为湖北省工作的一个重要组成部分。”6月24日至25日,湖北省委书记罗清泉、省长李鸿忠一行,连夜乘火车赶赴汉源县,实地调研湖北省对口援建工作。远在千里之外的汉源灾
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