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  As a visitor, when I cross the street in the UK, I often lose my sense of direction. While traffic in almost all of the world passes on the right side, cars in Britain drive on the left. Just why do Brits drive on the opposite side of the road from most other countries?
  In fact, the practice goes back to the Middle Ages. In the old days, when traveling down a highway put you at risk of being attacked or robbed, traveling on the left was a matter of safety. Since most people were (and still are) right? handed, passing on the left meant leaving your sword? hand free to take on any challengers. Whether on foot, horseback, or in a carriage, you needed to be able to take out your sword, pitchfork, or staff in response to a threat—and quickly.
  According to the BBC, this practice was widespread outside of Britain, too, dating back as far as ancient Greece and Rome. The UK wasn? t the only place with dangerous roads, after all. But in the end different pressures made travelers change to the right.
  Especially, Napoleon(拿破侖) was a fan of right? side driving, and brought the practice to places he controlled by force. That included Germany, and Hitler (希特勒) continued to spread the tradition across Europe as he took power, forcing Austria to change to right? side driving.
  America has been driving on the right side of the road, probably because it made it easier to control a wagon. Drivers either sat on the left of their wagon or led their horses on foot on the left? hand side, so it was much easier to see oncoming traffic by traveling on the right side of the road.
  Britain has considered changing over to right? side driving, but the idea isn? t possible to take hold anytime soon.
  lose one?蒺s sense of direction 某人失去方向感
  on the opposite side of the road 在路的对面
  the practice goes back to 这种做法(惯例)可以追溯到
  put sb. at risk of being done 使某人面临被……的危险
  take on any challengers 与任何挑战者较量
  in response to a threat 以应对威胁
  take power 掌权;夺取权力
  take hold anytime 随时接受;随时待命
  1.Whether on foot, horseback, or in a carriage, you needed to be able to take out your sword, pitchfork, or staff in response to a threat—and quickly. 无论是步行、骑马、还是坐马车,你都需要能够迅速地拿出你的剑、杈子或拐杖来应对威胁。
  选择连词whether... or...连接三种交通方式,作方式状语;on foot(步行)、on horseback(骑马)为固定词组,名词前不用冠词;in a carriage意为“坐马车”, carriage意为“(旧时载客的)四轮马车;(火车的)客车厢”。   2.America has been driving on the right side of the road, probably because it made it easier to control a wagon. 美国一直在道路右侧行驶,可能是因为这样更容易控制马车。
  has been driving是现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在,或者刚刚结束,或者可能还要继续下去。该时态的结构为“have / has been doing”;句中的“it made it easier to control a wagon”使用的是句型“It makes it adj. to do sth.”, 第一个it代表上文的“driving on the right side of the road”,第二个it是形式主语。
  1.The writer makes a mistake in direction crossing the street in the UK because .
  A.she never has a good sense of direction
  B.driving on the left makes her lose her sense of direction
  C.there is always too much traffic in the street there
  D.the streets in the UK look the same here and there
  2.What was the possible reason for driving on the left side in the beginning?
  A.Just a practice in the UK.
  B.The order from the kings.
  C.Left hand people s hobby.
  D.A matter of safety.
  3.What does the underlined word pressures probably mean in the 3rd paragraph?
  A.Rules. B.Influences.
  C.Orders. D.Dreams.
  She speaks
  I live in our school. I go to school every day.
  you are at school at home, you should study hard.
  This custom the disaster about 100 years ago.
  It these days, which for us to go hiking.
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想起占卜,很容易就聯想到水晶球和吉卜赛女郎。除却水晶球和吉卜赛女郎之外,我们还有许多不可思议的占卜方法。以下这个方法,你一定听过——   把房中的灯火全部熄灭,只点上一支蜡烛,然后静坐镜前,一边吃苹果,一边梳头发,你未来丈夫的幻影,将会反映在镜中。   想知道你俩的爱情能维持多久吗?   想知道还有几年才结婚?   他或她对你是真情还是假意?   人生何处不占卜?咖啡的沉淀、烟灰的分布、
2009年7月的一天,河南农业大学组织了“三下乡”社会实践,身为大学生的他来到田间地头,亲手做了农活,第一次真切地感受到农村的前景。  回到学校,他踌躇满志,当即筹集了5万元钱,直接来到河南商水县的一位领导的办公室,一张口就要流转200亩土地。那位领导并没有急于给他泼凉水,而是向他询问了有关资金、种子、管理等一系列问题。他这才发现,自己只是心血来潮,并没有做好充分准备,去迎接方方面面的难题和挑战。