Emerging roles of lactic acid bacteria in protection against colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyuchengdisk
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Colorectal cancer(CRC)is the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide and the fourth most common cancer diagnosed among men and women in the United States.Considering the risk factors of CRC,dietary therapy has become one of the most effective approaches in reducing CRC morbidity and mortality.The use of probiotics is increasing in popularity for both the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases.As the most common types of microbes used as probiotics,lactic acid bacteria(LAB)are comprised of an ecologically diverse group of microorganisms united by formation of lactic acid as the primary metabolite of sugar metabolism.LAB have been successfully used in managing diarrhea,food allergies,and inflammatory bowel disease.LAB also demonstrated a host of properties in preventing colorectal cancer development by inhibiting initiation or progression through multiple pathways.In this review,we discuss recent insights into cellular and molecular mechanisms of LAB in CRC prevention including apoptosis,antioxidant DNA damages,immune responses,and epigenetics.The emerging experimental findings from clinical trials as well as the proposed mechanisms of gut microbiota in carcinogenesis will also be briefly discussed. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide and the fourth most common cancer diagnosed among men and women in the United States. Consumption of the risk factors of CRC, dietary therapy has become one of the most effective approaches in reducing CRC morbidity and mortality.The use of probiotics is increasing in popularity for both the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases.As the most common types of microbes used as probiotics, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are comprised of an ecologically diverse group of microorganisms united by formation of lactic acid as the primary metabolite of sugar metabolism. LAB have been successfully used in managing diarrhea, food allergies, and inflammatory bowel disease. LAB also demonstrated a host of properties in preventing colorectal cancer development by arrest initiation or progression through multiple pathways. this review, we discuss recent insights into cellular and molecular mechanisms of LAB in CRC prevention i ncluding apoptosis, antioxidant DNA damages, immune responses, and epigenetics. The emerging experimental findings from clinical trials as well as the proposed mechanisms of gut microbiota in carcinogenesis will also be discussed.
浙江杭州 江女士  我今年46岁了,1年多前发现下身无端出血,偶尔小便时也会带血,因为出血不多,也不痛,就没有去医院。直到2个月前,我突然腰酸、肚子胀痛,去丢院一检查,居然得了宫颈癌。宫颈癌可以治好吗?  宫颈癌是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤。近些年来,随着社会发展,女性宫颈癌患者越来越多了。一般原位癌高发年龄为30~35岁,浸润癌为45~55岁,而近年来宫颈癌有年轻化的趋势。宫颈癌早期没有任何症状,仅为
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