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早春的八闽一片生机。倍受全省人民关注的省第十届人民代表大会第五次会议在福州隆重召开。代表们肩负全省3500万人民的重托齐聚榕城,共谋福建发展大计,同绘海西建设蓝图。会议审议并批准的《政府工作报告》和其他各项重要报告,对2007年我省经济社会发展的各项工作作出决策和部署;审查并批准的《福建省建设海峡西岸经济区纲要》,把中央的决策落实到建设海峡西岸经济区的具体实践中;审议并通过的《福建省人民代表大会 Eight Min in early spring a vitality. The fifth meeting of the Tenth People's Congress Province, which is greatly concerned by the people in the province, was solemnly held in Fuzhou. Representatives shouldered the trust of 35 million people across the province gathered in Rongcheng, complicity with the plans for the development of Fujian, with the construction of a blueprint for the construction of Hercynian. The “Report on the Work of the Government” and other important reports reviewed and approved at the meeting made the decision-making and deployment of various tasks for the economic and social development in Shaanxi Province in 2007; reviewed and approved the “Outline of Fujian Province's Strait Economic Zone on the Construction of the Western Taiwan Strait” The decision-making by the Central Government has been implemented in the concrete practice of building an economic zone on the west side of the Straits. The People's Congress of Fujian Province
摘 要本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、实验分析等研究方法,结合着我校足球选项课教学开展实际,进一步探讨分析异质小组合作学习法在高中足球选项课教学中的实效性。以便为今后改进足球教学及课程体系改革提供可循的现实与实践依据。  【关键词】异质分组;高中足球选项课;教学  1 问题提出  随着体育课程改革的深入,以及新课程标准实施的广泛开展,当前对于高中体育教学模式的改革以及组织形式方案的实施,成为了这一时期
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