Performance Investigation of Cone Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Using Taguchi Method

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xybcn960
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Dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) show promise for mechatronic applications due to the advantages of dielectric elastomer, such as lightweight, flexible, low cost, high strain, etc, and many configurations of DEAs have been demonstrated. As a kind of linear actuator, cone DEAs are studied in some laboratory prototypes due to easy manufacturing, however, their performance have not been exploited fully. Based on the working principle of DEA, a four-bar linkage mechanism is designed to provide negative stiffness preload, which can increase displacement output of actuator (outer diameter 100 mm) to 17 mm. Three cone actuating units are assembled in parallel to enhance the maximum force output to 5.07 N. Loading experiments of actuator in forward and backward strokes are performed, the experimental results show that backward stroke has stronger actuating capability than forward stroke, accordingly application of actuator is recommended. Four factors rather than applied voltage, i.e., number of actuating units, pre-stretch ratio, inner diameter, and outer diameter, are determined as influencing factors for Taguchi method. Then the performance objectives of actuator, i.e., displacement output, maximum force output, and maximum work in backward stroke, are investigated based on L9(34) Taguchi orthogonal design. The mean signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio based on the larger-the-better criterion is calculated according to the acquired displacement and force output. Analytical results show that outer diameter has the most significant influence on displacement output, and maximum force out and work output are influenced most by number of actuating units. Inner diameter also has an important effect on the performance objectives of actuator, while pre-stretch ratio has the least influence. The proposed performance investigation is helpful for the design and application of cone actuator in mechatronic system. Dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) show promise for mechatronic applications due to the advantages of dielectric elastomer, such as lightweight, flexible, low cost, high strain, etc, and many configurations of DEAs have been demonstrated. As a kind of linear actuator, cone DEAs are studied in some laboratory prototypes due to easy manufacturing, however, their performance has not been exploited fully. Based on the working principle of DEA, a four-bar linkage mechanism is designed to provide negative stiffness preload, which can increase displacement output of The three force actuator units are assembled in parallel to enhance the maximum force output to 5.07 N. Loading experiments of actuator in forward and backward strokes are performed, the experimental results show that backward stroke has been, the experimental results show that backward stroke has been actuating capability than forward stroke, accordingly application of actuator is recommended. Four factors rather than applied voltage, ie, numb Then the performance of the actuators, ie, displacement output, maximum force output, and maximum work in backward stroke, are Based on L9 (34) Taguchi orthogonal design. The mean signal-to-noise (S / N) ratio based on the larger-the-better-criterion is calculated according to the acquired displacement and force output. Analytical results show that outer diameter has the most significant influence on displacement output, and maximum force out and work output are influenced most by number of initiators units. Inner diameter also has an important effect on the performance objectives of actuator, while pre-stretch ratio has the least influence. proposed performance investigation is helpful for the design and application of cone actuator in mechatronic system.
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