
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogiangel
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Objective: To study clinical characteristics of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in order to diagnose and treat early and improve prognosis. Methods: 112 cases with NHL were pathologically diagnosed and treated in 1992-2005. Results: Among all cases, 30 were not treated previously, 79 were involved in peripheral lymph nodes, 55 deep lymph nodes, 18 Waldeyer’s ring, 25 respiratory system, 26 digestive system, 26 spleen, 13 bone, 13 skin and subcutaneous, 4 urinogenital system, 13 other sites. Among 30 previously untreated patients, there were 4 staged I, 3 IE, 5 II, 1 IIE, 9 III, 1 IIIS and 7 IV. Among 82 patients with prior treatment, 29 were involved in lymph nodes only, 53 involved in different organs and tissues. In our series, there were 38 cases and 74 cases belonged to subtype A and subtype B respectively. Conclusion: The enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes is main clinical characteristic in NHL, but lesions also involve different organs and tissues. The diagnosis of NHL depends upon pathological examination. Objective: To study the clinical characteristics of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in order to diagnose and treat early and improve prognosis. Methods: 112 cases with NHL were pathologically diagnosed and treated in 1992-2005. Results: Among all cases, 30 were not previously previously, 79 were involved in peripheral lymph nodes, 55 deep lymph nodes, 18 Waldeyer’s ring, 25 respiratory system, 26 digestive system, 26 spleen, 13 bone, 13 skin and subcutaneous, 4 urinogenital system, 13 other sites. Among previously 30 untreated patients, there were 4 staged I, 3 IE, 5 II, 1 IIE, 9 III, 1 IIIS and 7 IV. Among 82 patients with prior treatment, 29 were involved in lymph nodes only, 53 involved in different organs and tissues. In our series, there were 38 cases and 74 cases belonged to subtype A and subtype B respectively. Conclusion: The enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes is the main clinical characteristic in NHL, but lesions also involve different organs and tissues. on pathological examination.
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