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如何培育报纸的核心竞争力,是近期新闻界关注的热点话题之一。什么是核心竞争力呢?有人说是采编水平的高低,有人说是一流人才的多少,有人说是资金实力的大小……诸种说法,各有各的侧重,各有各的道理。需要注意的是,这里强调“核心”二字。所谓核心竞争力,集中到一点,就是报社建立在拥有政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风正的采编、经营、管理队伍基础上的不断创新的能力。培育党报的核心竞争力,是一个紧迫课题。这样做,就国内竞争而言,有利于巩固党报的主流媒体地位;对国际斗争来说,可抵制西方舆论“西化”、“分化”的图谋。本期《前沿关注》讨论“着力培育和提升核心竞争力”,正是实践点题、现实点题。选发的5篇文章,都有较高的水平,可以引发我们对这个问题的深入思考,并在实践中努力为之。 How to nurture the core competitiveness of the newspaper is one of the hot topics that the press recently paid close attention to. What is the core competitiveness? Some people say that the level of editorial level, some people say that the number of first-class talent, some people say that the size of the financial strength ... ... various statements, each has its own focus, each has its own truth. It is important to note that the word “core” is emphasized here. The so-called core competitiveness, concentrated to one point, is the newspaper established in a strong political, operational excellence, strict discipline, style of editing, management, management team based on the continuous innovation ability. Cultivating the core competitiveness of the party newspaper is an urgent issue. In doing so, as far as domestic competition is concerned, it will be conducive to consolidating the status of mainstream media in the party newspaper and, in the context of international struggle, it will resist the attempt by Western media to “Westernize” and “divide.” This issue of “cutting-edge concern” to discuss “putting great efforts to cultivating and enhancing core competitiveness” is exactly the point of practice and the reality of the topic. Elected five articles, have a higher level, can trigger our in-depth thinking on this issue, and work hard in practice.
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目的:探讨bFGF是否通过PI3K/PKB途径调节p21~(WAFl)的表达。方法:~(32)P掺入法检测 PKB酶活性,RT-PCR、Western blot检测不同处理组Bel-7402细胞的p21~(WAFl)表达,流式细胞术
哈佛大学罗伯特·柯普朗(Robert S.Kaplan)和大卫·诺顿(David P.Norton)教授以平衡计分卡为基础并发展为战略中心型组织理论,定位于有效地评价组织绩效和成功实施战略。被《
<正> 2008年12月26日,中国译协对外传播翻译委员会第17次中译英研讨会议在北京举行。本此会议由国务院法制办公室承办,外交部、商务部、文化部、中联部、国务院法制办、新华