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为了简化计算波纹钢腹板组合箱梁在汽车偏心荷载作用下的变形和内力,针对波纹钢腹板组合箱梁抗扭刚度较弱,在偏心荷载作用下会产生较大扭转和畸变变形的特点,参考普通混凝土箱梁偏心增大系数的计算原理和方法,针对等高度和变高度2种结构形式的波纹钢腹板箱梁,推导了单位扭矩作用下扭转角和畸变角的解析计算公式,得到了考虑畸变变形情况下波纹钢腹板组合箱梁偏心增大系数的理论计算公式。结合某模型试验结果可以看出,实测值与理论计算值比较接近,误差范围为0.5%12.3%,说明了所推导理论公式的正确性。并且,把试验数据与普通混凝土箱梁偏心增大系数经验值相比较,说明了波纹钢腹板箱梁抗扭刚度较低,由箱梁扭转和畸变会引起较大的偏心增大系数,从而会引起较大的变形和内力,在实际设计中应引起充分重视。 In order to simplify the calculation of the deformation and internal forces of the composite box girder with corrugated steel web under the eccentric load of automobile, the torsional stiffness of the composite box girder with corrugated steel webs is weak, and under the action of eccentric load, great torsional and distortion characteristics are produced , With reference to the calculation principle and method of eccentricity increase coefficient of common concrete box girder, the analytical formula of torsion angle and distortion angle of unit torque is derived for two kinds of corrugated steel web box girders of equal height and variable height. The theoretical calculation formula of the eccentric expansion coefficient of corrugated steel web composite box girder under distortion deformation is obtained. Combined with the results of a model test, it can be seen that the measured values ​​are close to the theoretical values ​​and the error range is 0.5% and 12.3%, which shows the correctness of the theoretical formula. Moreover, the experimental data are compared with the empirical value of eccentricity increase coefficient of ordinary concrete box girder, which shows that the torsional stiffness of corrugated steel box girder is low, and the torsional stiffness and distortion of box girder will cause larger eccentricity increasing coefficient. Will cause greater deformation and internal forces in the actual design should cause full attention.
对高速公路中宽幅空心板梁桥(板宽1.5 m)的上部结构横向拓宽方案进行了分析研究。在高速公路扩建工程中,宽幅空心板梁桥的横向拓宽时,新建桥梁原则上采用宽幅空心板梁结构,但
通过柬埔寨76号国道的实践,探索出了一套利用当地材料、采用适宜的材料配比和施工工艺在柬埔寨应用水泥稳定碎石基层的较好的经验做法。 Through the practice of National