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资产阶级野心家、阴谋家、两面派、叛徒、卖国贼林彪是一个地地道道的孔老二的信徒,他和历代行将灭亡的反动派一样,尊孔反法,攻击秦始皇,把孔孟之道作为阴谋篡党夺权,复辟资本主义的反动思想武器。林彪这个政治骗子,不读书,不看报。不看文件,是个什么学问也没有的大党阀、大军阀。由于他和孔孟反动思想体系一致,都要复辟旧制度,开历史倒车,他就指使一些人,到处收集孔孟的反动言论骗人、唬人,制造反革命舆论,大搞阴谋活动,向无产阶级猖狂进攻。孔老二要“复礼”,林彪要“复辟”,他们走的是一条路,唱的是一个调,是一路货色。林彪这个叛徒打起孔老二这面黑旗,胡说什么“悠悠万事,唯此为大,克已复礼”。林彪把“克已复礼”作 Bourgeois careerists, conspirators, two-faced factions, traitors and traitors, Lin Biao, an outspoken believer of the second generation, like all the demobilized reactionaries of all ages, resisted Confucius and attacked the First Emperor and plotted Confucius and Mencius as a conspiracy to usurp the party’s power , Restore the capitalist reactionary ideological weapons. Lin Biao political cheater, not reading, not reading the newspaper. Do not look at the file, is a big party without any knowledge, a large warlord. Because he was in line with the reactionary ideological system of Confucius and Mencius, he wanted to restore the old system and open a history reversal. He instructed some people to collect the reactionary remarks made by Confucius and Mencius everywhere to deceive others, bluff people, create counter-revolutionary media, massively conspiracy activities, Class rampant attack. The second eldest son of Confucius wanted to “recite” and Lin Biao wanted to “restore”. The traitor Lin Biao played the second black hole of this hole, what nonsense “long everything, only this is big, grams have been rehabilitated.” Lin Biao to “grams have been re-gift” for
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告状 一九八三年六月,浙江省义乌县食品卫生监督机构——县卫生防疫站,对县酿造厂生产的汽水进行监测、检验和卫生质量调查,发现该厂产品质量低劣,细菌大量超标,已倾销市场
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一九八四年二月六日,春节刚过,从医院传出令人悲痛的消息:吕粱地区中级人民法院的李万琪同志去世了。 法院和其他机关的不少同志都为此震惊。人们来到医院问大夫,年仅四十三