热烈庆祝西安音乐学院建校65周年 走过六十五载 桃李芬芳天下

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2014年10月18日,西安音乐学院迎来了建校65周年,在这秋高气爽的日子里,来自各地嘉宾和校友代表相约古城,共襄盛事。庆典本着以“总结经验、展示成果、突出特色、扩大影响、凝聚力量、再创辉煌”为主题,以“和谐、喜庆、有序、节俭”为原则,突出学术、突出师生、突出校友,洋溢出一派喜庆的气氛,凸显了学术特色,宣示了发展信心。庆祝大会上,校内外各方人士致辞,其中院长赵季平在讲话中,满怀深情的回顾了65年办学中的辉煌伟业,表达了对学院美好未来的信心和决心。 On October 18, 2014, the Xi’an Conservatory of Music ushered in the 65th anniversary of the founding of the school. During this autumn and fall day, guests and alumni representatives from all over the world met the ancient city and enjoyed a grand occasion. With the theme of “summing up experiences, showing achievements, highlighting characteristics, expanding influence, pooling strength and creating greater glories”, the celebration focuses on the principle of “harmony, festive celebration, orderliness and frugality” Students, highlighting alumni, filled with festive atmosphere, highlighting the academic characteristics, declare the development of confidence. In his speech, President Zhao Jiping said with deep feeling his brilliant career in running a school for 65 years and expressed his confidence and determination in the bright future of the college.
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