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不同于Trip-Hop的潮湿阴冷,“Downtempo”向我们展现出的则是缤纷幻彩的一面。并且因为一些民族乐器和打击乐的运用,使得这些作品让听惯人声的乐迷也能更容易接受些。加上现在正是春暖花开的季节,和朋友一起喝下午茶时,选择这样的音乐作背景再合适不过。在此,就精选了一些“Downtempo”风格的专辑推荐给大家。开胃菜:威化海鲜沙律——Flevans Artist:Flevans Title:Make New Friends Label:Tru Thoughts Unlike the damp and cold of Trip-Hop, “Downtempo” shows us a colorful and colorful side. And because of the use of some national musical instruments and percussion, these works make it more acceptable to those who are accustomed to human voice. Coupled with the spring season now is the season, with friends, afternoon tea, the choice of such a music background is appropriate. Here, a selection of some “Downtempo” album style recommended to everyone. Appetizers: Granville Seafood Salad - Flevans Artist: Flevans Title: Make New Friends Label: Tru Thoughts
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