Unit 4 Reading:She said helping others changed her life

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  Type of class:Reading:She said helping others changed her life.
  Teaching aims:
  1. Students are able to master the new words and phrases.
  2. Learn to use the direct speech and reported speech.
  3. Master the reading strategy:(1)Read for meaning,not for the detail;(2)Understand the meaning of a word you don’t know from the context.
  4. After careful reading,students will be able to realize the importance of helping people in trouble and to cherish the life that they are living.
  Important & Difficult points:
  1. Master the reading strategy:(1)Read for meaning,not for the detail;(2)Understand the meaning of a word you don’t know from the context.
  2. Make students realize the importance of helping people in trouble and to cherish the life.
  Teaching aids:PPT, chalk, blackboard
  Teaching procedures:
  Section 1 Before You Read
  Have a discussion with your partner. What kind of people need our help? What can we do for them?
  eg:I think_____________ need help. We can _____________.
  Section 2 While You Read
  1. Predicting:
  What’s the article about?
  2. Read for the first time:
  1. Read for the meaning,not for detail.
  2. Finish the task according to the context.
  Task:Put these words into the correct space.
  a)world b)brothers c)changed
  d)agreed e)mountains f)different
  3. Read for the second time:
  1. Read the questions first,then read the passage.
  2. You can understand the meaning of a word you don’t know from the context.
  Task:Answer these questions.
  1. What did Yang Lei’s mother say about her daughter’s volunteer work?
  2. What does the word ”pupils” mean in the 3rd paragraph?( )
  A.志愿者 B.老师 C.学生
  3. What did the children say about their volunteer teachers?
  4. How did Young Lei say she could help?
  5. What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer?
  4. Listen and read.
  5.Use the key words and expressions fill in the blanks.
  Helping others changed Yang Lei’s life!
  Yang Lei,a Peking University_____,went to a poor mountain village to teach the poor children. She worked there________ on a one-year program. Every year they______100 volunteers_______teach in China’s_________.   Life in the mountains was so hard for Yang Lei,but fortunately,Yang Lei’s parents________her daughter’s decision.
  Most of the children there may not be able to go to_____,because their families are so poor. But Yang Lei said that she could_______students’ eyes to the outside world and give them______in life.
  Yang Lei enjoyed her volunteer work very much,now she______a math teacher at a high school in Gansu Province.
  Section 3 After You Read
  1. What is life like for you and Yang Lei’s students? Complete the chart. Discuss with your partner.
  2. Assignments (You can choose one of them.)
  Write an article:What can we do for poor children?
  You can use:We can…We should…We are supposed to…We have to…We would like to…
  What can we do for poor children?___
  Write a summary of reading:“Helping others changed Yang Lei’s life.” Use no more than 100 words. (You should use the following information.)
  Peking University graduate,as a volunteer,on a one-year program,in rural areas,hard,agree with,poor,senior high school,open up, give a startenjoy,work as
  Helping others changed Yang Lei’s life.
  Difficult sentences:
  (1)Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you;(2)The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one year program;(3)Her village was 2,000 meters above sea level,and at first the thin air made her feel sick.;(4)She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives.
This paper probes into the category fruit, aiming at revealing the categorization of fruit to find them prototype in under 35-year-old womens cognitions at pres
在动滑轮的教学中,我以往都是先演示实验,进行归纳,再引导学生分析,虽然我们有实验作为基础,但现实情况下绳子有重力,有摩擦,与理想情况有些出入。学生在答题时有不少困惑。如我们有时会遇到图1所示的题目:物体重力为8N,动滑轮重为2N,若不计绳重、绳与滑轮之间的摩擦,滑轮轴的摩擦、则拉力为 N。做这样的题目,有的学生即使不会分析,只要知道动滑轮是动力臂为阻力臂二倍的杠杆,可省一半力,也能得出拉力为5N
一、保持阳光体育大课间活力的意义  阳光体育大课间活动是对孩子心理和生理的一种宝贵的弥补,它让学生们放松了心情、释放了压力,同时也能充分展现学生之间团结协作、互助互爱的情谊以及规则意识、公平诚信意识和团队精神等优良的思想品质。由此,阳光体育运动号召学生到阳光下、到操场上、到大自然中去锻炼身体、陶冶情操,而大课间是保证阳光体育运动的重要途径、由于天长日久和其它原因有些学生就渐渐失去了兴趣,所以我们要
摘 要:新课程标准要求我们注重培养学生的学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习的能力,培养学生主动获取知识的兴趣。表现是儿童的天性,表现性学习是学习的一种基本的学习方式。本文从以下三各方面加以阐述。(1)学生是表现的主体,(2)为学生表现性学习提供空间,(3)教师既是组织者也是赞赏者。  关键词:表现性学习 表现主体 鼓励 欣赏 兴趣。  一、 学生是表现的主体  学生都有想展示自我的欲望,但有相当一部分学生